Won't boot after install

Well, it appears to be working after a couple of shutdown/startup cycles.

It doesn’t like to do a restart though.

If a software install say it needs to restart, it hangs just as it did before.


try different kernels, install the 5.15, boot with it, and test if it has also the same hangs

Will do, but I am traveling for 3 weeks beginning tomorrow. So, it will have to wait until I return.

Thanks again to your and everyone else for the help!

UEFI, create a profile for linux

recheck all option in your UEFI ( for linux)

SecureBoot off
Fast Boot off
No Legacy
all disks on AHCI

boot only on UEFI:<partition 1> → EFI install manjaro

you can check in terminal , before install

inxi  -Fxza
test -d /sys/firmware/efi && echo efi || echo bios
sudo efibootmgr -v
sudo parted -l