Windscribe Install

Hey so I tried installing Windscribe and am not sure if I succeeded.
I used the “Add/Remove Software”- Application with enabeld access to AUR to build the package.
Then I followed the Steps in the ReadMe which all succeded.
I was able to confirm in the terminal that windscribe is running, connected and could see that my IP address changed.

However, I expected to have a windscribe application installed as well, that I could run
I can’t find any ant the find application also not.
Did I do anything wrong or is windscribe for linux supposed to run in terminal only?


I only found a package called “windscribe-cli” . The description for this package is “Port of Windscribe’s command line interface”. This sounds like a CLI only application. Also the Linux part of the download section looks like CLI only.

You should be able to use

windscribe status

to see a status of the current state.

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thank you for clearing this up! I did not know that cli meant command line interface only.
Looks like i set it up correctly then and there is no visual application.
Thanks for saving my time!

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Total commands on terminal:
windscribe status ↵ Check status of Windscribe and connection
windscribe account ↵ Output current account details
windscribe connect ↵ Connect to Windscribe
windscribe disconnect ↵ Disconnect from VPN
windscribe examples ↵ Show usage examples
windscribe firewall ↵ View/Modify Firewall mode
windscribe lanbypass ↵ View/Modify Firewall LAN bypass
windscribe locations ↵ Output list of all available server locations
windscribe login ↵ Login to Windscribe account
windscribe logout ↵ Logout and disconnect
windscribe port ↵ View/Modify default Port
windscribe protocol ↵ View/Modify default Protocol
windscribe proxy ↵ View/Modify Proxy Settings
windscribe sendlog ↵ Send the debug log to Support
windscribe speedtest ↵ Test the connection speed
windscribe viewlog ↵ View the debug
windscribe connect best ↵ Connect to best locations:
windscribe connect US ↵ Connect to specific location:
windscribe connect ↵ Connect to previous location:
windscribe firewall off ↵ Disabled the Firewall:
windscribe protocol TCP ↵ Change connection protocol:
windscribe connect --config /full/path/to/config.ovpn ↵ Connect to a custom openvpn config

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