Windows do not update properly

I have noticed recently that windows don’t update properly, but it’s only visual, I can click things in the windows, but the windows do not change until I resize them, and then it works fine. I am using x11, Intel graphics, my machine is up to date, I am on kernel 5.16.14-1 and I am also using bismuth to tile windows. I am not sure what else I need to be adding for information, so feel free to ask.
I am turning off bismuth to see if it still happens. It also happens randomly, and not that frequently.

Thank you for your time

first provide system info:
inxi -v7azy
second try clearing cache and rebuild destktop:
rm -rf ~/.cache/*
rm ~/.config/Trolltech.conf
kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental
after you run those commands reboot!!!
third: try changing your kernel to 5.15 and 5.10 LTS, and try running your system with them, and see if the winodws problem remains
fourth: when the windows issue happens check the logs by opening ksystemlog