Window Shortcuts and conky

What is the shortcut for switching the active window?? Is it present in kwin like everything else and can someone help me create a conky widget for displaying all the important shortcuts in the desktop please??

PS: I am using KDE Plasma

I can’t find anything in the kwin section

Hi @abhijiths1998,

I can’t remember if this is the deefault setting, I almost doubt it, but because of many years of using Windoze, mine is set to Alt+Tab.

But IIRC this can be customized:

  • Open the launcher and go to Sysstem settings
  • Go to Window maanagementTask switcher.

On this screen, under the Shortcuts section, you can cus6tomize it.

When changing something, click Apply in the bottom-right to apply the changes. If you are satisfied with them close the window and enjoy Manjaro!

About conky: I’ve got no idea, since I don’t use it, sorry!

Hope this helps some!


Thanks bro