Wifi broken after update

After my update today (pacman-mirrors and sudo pacman -Syu), my wifi broke. I rebooted before figuring tvis out, unfortunately. Network Manager says it’s connected, but nothing loads. I have no way of accessing the internet from my laptop, which is a Dell XPS running Manjaro XFCE. What information can I give to help solve this?

Many thanks

Here is the output of inxi --admin --verbosity=8 -Fxxxz

If this is connected to the update, is there any way to revert that?

Yes - if you have a backup (a timeshift snapshot).

It could be a temporary name service failure at your providers end.
Try to set and use a custom name server.

You clearly have internet access - else you could not have posted (pictures)

Don’t post pictures - copy/paste the text output
or at least post the pictures to dedicated image sharing sites like


This is still just supposition.

It would seem to me that your device is working correctly but something else is an issue, such as with your network, DNS, or any of the mentioned things in the final line, etc.

I can also anecdotally report that I have the same device (QCA6174, though not from ‘Rivet Networks’) and it works fine. Never stopped working here on Unstable.

The photos were taken from my cell phone. I tried connecting to another network but the problem remained.

How would I use a custom name server?

You can set it at your router, in NetworkManager, or a half dozen other approaches…

[ the simplest probably just being filling out the “DNS Servers” line of NM while using “Automatic (Only addresses)” method ]


Also I might try some things like

dig manjaro.org
drill manjaro.org

And see what those have for you. The dig and drill commands are domain lookups and may have a clue about the issue. ping will ping google server IP directly, and if it can resolve while the domains cannot then we know it to be a DNS problem.

Also somewhat related and maybe useful later …

Access connection details
IPv4-settings tab
Method: automatic (dhcp), addresses only
instead of just: automatic (dhcp) - which is the default

then put in one or two name servers in the named box

similar for IPv6 - or set this to ignore

you posted them here - you could just as well have posted them to https://0x0.st/ - no? :wink:

This is what those commands produce (sorry for the photo)

So we know you dont have dig.
Drill did not even get to the lookup part as it could not begin connecting.
Ping tells a similar story of “Network is unreachable”.

So … how is your network? Do other devices use it fine?

I might ask for

ip route show

Which should show local IPs (like - not identifiable info) but may tell us if you for some reason dont have your gateway (router) set or similar.

The network here (this is a hotel) works for my phone.

So no routing table.

I might first try by removing/deleting your saved network and beginning again.

Theres also the “Captive Portal” thing to consider maybe? Many public wifi hotspots require you to first open or sign in through their portal before you can use the connection. I recall scenarios where I would need to change browsers (from a highly secured one to a more vanilla one) to make this handshake - though I dont know if such a situation would present like this.

I tried deleting and re-adding the network, and then running ping again; same result. This wireless network doesn’t use a captive portal, just a password

Going to see if I can tey these at my university building

Good news; it works perfectly in the university. There must have been a problem with the hotel wifi that coincided wity my update and did not affect my phone

Furthermore, after changing name servers, it works in the hotel, too. Thank you everso

I’m glad you resolved your issue.

Now, will you kindly remove the screenshots?

For future reference;
please paste any command output within appropriate text boxes so that it presents as scrollable preformatted text – easier to read; easier to copy/paste when those wishing to help might search for related troubleshooting advice; plus, easier on the servers.

Use the </> button, and paste command output between the resulting rows of backticks, like this:

This is the pasted text
