Wifi adapter not working

i see the defference but is that mean that im connect to the wifi from the wifi adapter?

Please answer the question


that line

Bus 001 Device 009: ID 0bda:a192 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. DISK

This is the keyword here - some devices comes with different modes to allow Windows users to run a setup program from the device usb storage.

You need to figure out how to switch the adapter from disk mode to network mode.

While this link Mobile broadband modem - ArchWiki is about usb modems I think it is applicable to your device as well.


thank you so much

According to this page that device is a CD rom. So I’m guessing the device is either a USB-disk gone haywire, or a 2-in-1 Wifi-Thumb drive combination, which might have a toggle on it…


I’ve never subscribed to those risqué magazines.

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Same. Not into electroerotism.

I can imagine it, though – a hot platter spinning atop another at 7200rpm.

You spin me right round, baby, right round!
Like a record, baby, right round, round round!

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