This post is only for ARM users where there is no possibility to install widevine directly through the browser (Google does not provide official support at this time) or with an official manjaro package.
Until now, it was possible to use an AUR package. This package has now been removed as it is no longer useful for x64 architectures, as explained here :
Deletion Request for widevine from AUR
For information, the link to the maintainer’s repository is as follows :
It provides widevine support from a pkgbuild, tested with a 4k and 16k kernel on RPI5.
Since you’re referencing an AUR package that has nothing to do with Manjaro let alone ARM, I’ve moved the topic to AUR.
Either way, we have no idea why you created this topic because you’ve provided no context whatsoever. This is a support forum, not Reddit.
The topic will be hidden from the public until you make appropriate edits. Please see How to Post
Edited and hopefully more informative
Thank you for doing that. The topic is no longer hidden.
thank you for providing the link!
is there a way to use this on manjaro arm stable? it requires glibc>=2.39
while version 2.35-5.1 is in stable and testing.
i changed line 18 in PKGCONFIG to glibc>=2.35
, built the package, logged out and in again and restarted firefox and chromium – as stated there – twice. on firefox the
Plugin WidevineCdm crashed
chromium does give errors on the bitmovin test page but does not state if the plugin crashed.
i guess glibc version is a hard requirement and put there for a reason. there’s a python script that binary patches something with the glibc ABI that’s likely the culprit. if i knew how to access previous version on that repo i would have tried to build older versions i don’t have much experience with aur or git.
Older glibc is not compatible without patching it.
you can try glibc-widevine
The python script is mainly for 16k kernel compatibility.
Does this work on a rpi 5? I am quite new to arch, so can you tell me how i can install this?
Use makepkg with the pkgbuild. Install base-devel first.
cd widevine
makepkg -scfi
Use git clone instead of downloading
git clone
cd widevine
The git repo can be updated with git pull
Wow that actually worked. Thanks a lot. Gotta learn some new terminal commands, i am coming from debian. Arch is a new language to me.
widevine-4.10.2710.0-8 updated
Thanks for the heads up. Can i update a previously installed version or do i need to rebuild it?
Ok i went into the folder and put “git pull” and it worked i guess.
git pull
remote: Enumerating objects: 4, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (4/4), 3.95 KiB | 3.96 MiB/s, done.
From mogwai/widevine: AUR package to install a system-wide widevine. Compatible with x86_64, armv7h and aarch64. -
5eca686…4aeec1c main → origin/main
Updating 5eca686…4aeec1c
.SRCINFO | 14 ++++++±------
PKGBUILD | 21 ++++++++++±---------
2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
rebuild, install with
pacman -U widevine-4.10.2710.0-8-aarch64.pkg.tar.zst
No need to use git for this package. After i delete all.
If i remember it correctly, i installed it using “makepkg”. I don’t remember using pacman for this.
Because i have written simple command lines so that no one has a problem installing it. makepkg have -i (install).
I asked chatgpt (sent it the file list in the folder) and it said “makekpg -si” This command rebuilt the package (with updates i guess) and then prompted for installation.
No offense to you, i am pretty sure your method would have also worked. I am a huge fan of AI. Chatgpt, Gemini, even Deepseek. I use Chatgpt almost daily and it always comes up with the answers, methods, even when it is something that i have no idea about, it always is quite helpful. We are really living in the age of AI. Back in the day we were getting lost in forums and quora pages just to find a single command to enter to the terminal window. Now it is just ask the AI and it will answer. Wonderful stuff.
without AI : makepkg -h and man makepkg
Yeah but without Chatgpt, i wouldn’t even know makepkg was the correct command. It actually reminded me that. That is why i asked if makepgk was correct.