Why is a community package via pacman behind listing?

via pacman here is the available version for buildah

pacman -F buildah

community/buildah 1.29.0-1 [installed]

that is what shows in the the pacman gui too

but it’s not the latest build and according to the archlinux community page for that package it’s 1.29.1-1.


So why the discrepancy? Did they update the webpage but not the actual build (why that would be silly no?)

buildah 1.29.1-1 is currently only available in our testing and unstable branches. One can either switch to the testing branch or wait for the next stable update. See also https://manjaro.org/features

Have a look here:

$  mbn info buildah -q 
Branch         : archlinux
Name           : buildah
Version        : 1.29.1-1
Repository     : community
Build Date     : Mon 20 Feb 2023 08:47:12 
Packager       : George Rawlinson <grawlinson@archlinux.org>
Branch         : unstable
Name           : buildah
Version        : 1.29.1-1
Repository     : community
Build Date     : Mon 20 Feb 2023 08:47:12 
Packager       : George Rawlinson <grawlinson@archlinux.org>
Branch         : testing
Name           : buildah
Version        : 1.29.1-1
Repository     : community
Build Date     : Mon 20 Feb 2023 08:47:12 
Packager       : George Rawlinson <grawlinson@archlinux.org>
Branch         : stable
Name           : buildah
Version        : 1.29.0-1
Repository     : community
Build Date     : Sun 29 Jan 2023 01:55:20 
Packager       : George Rawlinson <grawlinson@archlinux.org>

It doesn’t reach the stable branch yet.

The webpage does not indicate the branch (in the url neither). If I had seen that I wouldn’t have even made this post. In other words if the webpage is supposed to be for the stable branch then it should not have been updated. Otherwise it should indicate the branch. That is confusing.

Given that in the future I’ll just believe pacman and not bother with the website as I might be fooled.

Which webpage? This one? It certainly does:

oh I see. manjaro doesn’t control that webpage. Why does Manjaro decide what is unstable. According to github that’s a regular release not a pre-release therefore not unstable per that community package.


Manjaro is not Arch. manjaro.org is not archlinux.org. :wink:

For more info about Manjaro branches, see the other links I posted above.

Ok, noob. Understood Manjaro has it’s own repos for pacman stop referring to archlinux.org.

So how does Manjaro decide what is stable/testing/unstable? AFAIK convention is github regular release are “stable” and alpha/pre-release are testing or unstable. Obviously archlinux has decided that 1.29.1-1 is stable so why not manjaro.




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