Why did the package name change from qemu to qemu-base

I noticed in the recent Testing Announcement, that qemu will be upgraded to 7.0.

Currently I have installed:

I looked at branch compare for the package qemu and saw:

I did see, qemu-base which was at 7.0 in Testing:

I’m guessed the package name changed and will also be qemu-base on Stable.

Why did the package name change?

I keep a list of additional installed packages.


It is now split into different packages.

See Arch Linux - News: QEMU >= 7.0.0 changes split package setup

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Did you notice the wiki post? :wink:

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Holy Smoly, that was fast. Thanks so much!

I broke one of my cardinal rules, always read the arch home page :slight_smile:

Ummm… :face_with_peeking_eye: :person_shrugging:

All 3 responses are the “Solution”, so I selected the first one.

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