Where'd my dot files go?

victim of the recent AMD APU freezing problem which caused me to do some OS installs … so it might be possible i deleted these files or unintentionally moved them to my ‘restore’ directory (i have them there, but not sure if they’re the right ones)

in /home i didn’t have any dot files after the latest install, not even a .bashrc (i copied one from /root) - that’s not normal, is it?

i poked round in the ISO and saw that /home in the desktopfs.sfs is empty, yet i clearly recall having several dot files in /home after a previous install

/root has these…


i had none

These wouldnt be needed if your system is using zsh, which is default on most manjaro editions.

These wouldnt be needed on wayland.

This appears to be related to the screen package?
I dont have either the package or the file.

Are you sure there are none?
Or are hidden files just not visible?

Maybe use the terminal and execute

ls -a

which would show all files, even hidden.


Its also not the correct approach.
Even if we assume that for whatever reason you needed to copy such files from somewhere …
The place would be /etc/skel/ not /root/ … and copying from root would also likely mean files having permissions incompatible with your $HOME.

oh jeeze!

did something new; i config’d dolphin to show/hide hidden files by dbbl clicking in an empty area :blush:

thanks for the /etc/skel tip - they are owned by root as well, but that’s no problem … and no, i don’t use zsh (i use shellcheck when i write scripts and it doesn’t (entirely) do zsh)

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