[00:25:09][aragorn] > pamac search --aur rocm
spfft 1.0.5-1 AUR
Sparse 3D FFT library with MPI, OpenMP, CUDA and ROCm support
roctracer 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm Tracer Callback/Activity Library for Performance tracing AMD GPU's
rocthrust 4.5.0-1 AUR
Port of the Thrust parallel algorithm library atop HIP/ROCm
rocsparse 4.5.0-1 AUR
BLAS for sparse computation on top of ROCm
rocsolver 4.5.0-1 AUR
Subset of LAPACK functionality on the ROCm platform
rocrand 4.5.0-1 AUR
Pseudo-random and quasi-random number generator on ROCm
rocfft 4.5.0-1 AUR
Next generation FFT implementation for ROCm
rocblas 4.5.0-1 AUR
Next generation BLAS implementation for ROCm platform
rocalution 4.5.0-1 AUR
Next generation library for iterative sparse solvers for ROCm platform
rccl 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm Communication Collectives Library
python-pysigset 0.4.0-1 AUR
Python blocking/suspending signals under Linux/OSX using ctypes sigprocmask access
python-numba-roctools-git 0.0.0.r2.g31ab1ff-1 AUR
Numba backend for ROCm HSA
hsa-rocr-git r96.3eed1b4-1 AUR
ROCm Platform Runtime: ROCr a HPC market enhanced HSA based runtime
hsa-rocr 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm Platform Runtime: ROCr a HPC market enhanced HSA based runtime
hip-runtime-nvidia 4.5.0-1 AUR
Heterogeneous Interface for Portability ROCm
hip-runtime-amd 4.5.0-1 AUR
Heterogeneous Interface for Portability ROCm
hipfort 4.5.0-1 AUR
Fortran interfaces for ROCm libraries
hipblas 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm BLAS marshalling library
courier-maildrop 3.0.3-1 AUR
mail delivery agent - procmail like but nicer syntax
tensorflow-rocm 2.6.0-2 AUR
Library for computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning (with ROCM)
tensorflow-opt-rocm 2.6.0-2 AUR
Library for computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning (with ROCM and AVX2 CPU optimizations)
python-tensorflow-rocm 2.6.0-2 AUR
Library for computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning (with ROCM)
python-tensorflow-opt-rocm 2.6.0-2 AUR
Library for computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning (with ROCM and AVX2 CPU optimizations)
python-pytorch-rocm 1.9.0-1 AUR
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with ROCM)
python-pytorch-opt-rocm 1.9.0-1 AUR
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration (with ROCM and AVX2 CPU optimizations)
procmon-git r21.gb35d4cc-1 AUR
Trace syscall activity tool
procmon 1.0.1-1 AUR
Trace syscall activity tool
procmeter3-svn r394-1 AUR
A system status monitor for Linux with X-Windows, displays system resource usage in multiple graphs
procmail 3.22-10 extra
Highly configurable auto mail processing.
perl-fcgi-procmanager 0.28-1 AUR
Functions for managing FastCGI applications
hipsycl-rocm-git r500.5f30bc1-1 AUR
Implementation of SYCL 1.2.1 over AMD HIP/NVIDIA CUDA
hipsycl-rocm 0.9.1-1 AUR
Implementation of SYCL 1.2.1 over AMD HIP/NVIDIA CUDA
rocminfo 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm info tools - rocm_agent_enumerator
rocm-validation-suite 3.10.0-1 AUR
Tool for detecting and troubleshooting common problems affecting AMD GPUs
rocm-smi-lib64 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm System Management Interface Library
rocm-opencl-sdk 4.5.0-2 AUR
Develop applications in OpenCL for the AMD platform
rocm-opencl-runtime 4.5.0-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - OpenCL runtime
rocm-llvm 4.5.0-2 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - LLVM toolchain (llvm, clang, lld)
rocm-language-runtime 4.5.0-2 AUR
ROCr - ROCm runtime
rocm-hip-sdk 4.5.0-1 AUR
Develop applications using HIP and libraries for AMD platforms
rocm-hip-runtime 4.5.0-1 AUR
Packages to run HIP applications on the AMD platform
rocm-hip-libraries 4.5.0-1 AUR
Develop applications using HIP and libraries for AMD platforms
rocm-gdb 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCm source-level debugger for Linux, based on GDB
rocm-dkms 3.10.0-1 AUR
ROCm - Open Soruce Platform for HPC and Ultrascale GPU Computing
rocm-device-libs 4.5.0-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - device libs
rocm-debug-agent 4.5.0-1 AUR
ROCr Debug Agent Library
rocm-dbgapi 4.5.0-1 AUR
Support library necessary for a debugger of AMD's GPUs
rocm-core 4.5.0-1 AUR
AMD ROCm core package
rocm-cmake-git latest-1 AUR
cmake modules for common build tasks needed for the ROCM software stack
rocm-cmake 4.5.0-1 AUR
CMake modules for common build tasks needed for the ROCm software stack
rocm-clang-ocl 4.5.0-1 AUR
OpenCL compilation with clang compiler.
rocm-bandwidth-test 4.5.0-1 AUR
Bandwidth test for ROCm
[00:25:39][aragorn] > pamac search --aur radeon
wattman-gtk-git r101.6360fab-1 AUR
GTK GUI to view, monitor, and overclock a Radeon GPU on Linux
upliftpowerplay-git r40.557ab4e-2 AUR
UPP: A tool for parsing, dumping and modifying data in Radeon PowerPlay tables
upliftpowerplay 0.0.7-1 AUR
UPP: A tool for parsing, dumping and modifying data in Radeon PowerPlay tables
rovclock 0.6e-1 AUR
ATI Radeon overclocking utility
rocm-opencl-runtime 4.5.0-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - OpenCL runtime
rocm-llvm 4.5.0-2 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - LLVM toolchain (llvm, clang, lld)
rocm-device-libs 4.5.0-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - device libs
opencl-mesa-noglvnd 18.3.2-1 AUR
OpenCL support for AMD/ATI Radeon mesa drivers - non-libglvnd version
llvm-amdgpu-git latest-3 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - LLVM toolchain (llvm, clang, lld)
hsakmt-roct-git latest-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute Thunk Interface
hsakmt-roct 4.5.0-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute Thunk Interface
gstreamer-screenrecording-git r45.a9972fb-1 AUR
Record screen or window with VAAPI(intel I420 or NV12), OMX(radeon NV12), software (x264enc I420 or NV12) to mkv file, with or without sound.
comgr 4.5.0-1 AUR
Radeon Open Compute - compiler support
aomp-amdgpu 11.11.0-1 AUR
Clang/LLVM based compiler with added support for the OpenMP API on Radeon GPUs
amdgpuinfo-git AUR
Get information from AMD Radeon GPUs
amdgpu-fancontrol-git r11.5461b36-1 AUR
Control AMD Radeon graphics cards fan PWM
vulkan-radeon-noglvnd 18.3.2-1 AUR
Radeon's Vulkan mesa driver - non-libglvnd version
macbook-lighter-radeon v0.0.2.9.g0050e61-1 AUR
Macbook screen/keyboard backlight CLI and auto-adjust on ambient light for Radeon GPUs
lib32-vulkan-radeon-noglvnd 18.3.2-1 AUR
Radeon's Vulkan mesa driver (32-bit) - non-libglvnd version
vulkan-radeon [Installed] 21.2.3-1 extra
Radeon's Vulkan mesa driver
lib32-vulkan-radeon [Installed] 21.2.3-1 multilib
Radeon's Vulkan mesa driver (32-bit)
radeontop-git 1:1.0.r6.g07ec134-1 AUR
Radeon cards monitoring utility
radeontop 1.3-2 community
View GPU utilization for total activity percent and individual blocks
radeontool 1.6.3-4 community
Lowlevel tools to tweak register and dump state on radeon GPUs
radeonjet-git 15.b3d58ef-1 AUR
A simple bash wrapper around AMDGPU's overclocking support
radeon-profile-git 20200504.r0.g2e0b4d9-1 AUR
App for display info about radeon card
radeon-profile-daemon-runit 20201030-1 AUR
runit service scripts for radeon-profile-daemon
radeon-profile-daemon-git 20190603.r0.g7923bd6-1 AUR
System daemon for radeon-profile
[00:28:44][aragorn] >
As far as I can tell there is no plan for Blender 3.0 CyclesX to support AMD GPUs on Linux.
Google “Cycles AMD HIP device feedback” there is a discussion on blenders official forum between brecht a blender dev and froglizard, the outcome is the current HIP runtime does not work and blender has created an open issue that relies on AMD support.
AMD might supply working drivers to Blender for 3.1 but its still not know if the solution will use open source HIP/rocm or be propitiatory or what consumer cards might be support. Fingers crossed for RDNA2 support in Blender 3.1 March 2022 .