Where is the GUI to change kernel versions?

So today I updated my PC after a while. The kernel GUI is no longer installed for some reason. Why was it removed? I dont want to remember a bunch of terminal commands to change the kernel considering we used to have an easy to use GUI

That has gone nowhere - but if you are on Plasma 6 then KCM part does not work.

You can still locate Manjaro Settings Manager using the app launcher.

You could also have removed it - I wouldn’t know - terminal is easy

mhwd-kernel -l

Then install one of the listed kernels

sudo pacman -Syu
sudo mhwd-kernel -i <linuxzy>

You tell us.
Its manjaro-settings-manager that handles all those things.
If its missing … then there must be a reason.

grep 'manjaro-settings-manager' /var/log/pacman.log
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Haha you used to access this via systemsettings5 settings on Plasma 5… it hasn’t been removed, but you are no longer using Plasma 5

kcmshell6 --list
kcmshell6 --list
The following modules are available:
kcm_energyinfo               - Energy Consumption Statistics
kcm_about-distro             - Information About This System
kcm_powerdevilprofilesconfig - Energy Saving
kcm_bolt                     - Thunderbolt Device Management
kcm_kwin_virtualdesktops     - Configure navigation, number and layout of virtual desktops
kcm_sddm                     - Configure Login Manager
kcm_gamecontroller           - Test and Configure Game Controllers
kcm_touchpad                 - Touchpad settings
kcm_kwindecoration           - Configure window title-bars and borders
kcm_pulseaudio               - Configure audio devices and volume
kcm_plymouth                 - Choose Plymouth boot splash screen
kcm_splashscreen             - Choose splash screen theme
kcm_kwinxwayland             - Select which keys will be globally available to legacy X11 apps
kcm_fonts                    - Configure user interface fonts
kcm_soundtheme               - Select a Sound Theme for Notifications
kcm_printer_manager          - Configure your printers
kcm_screenlocker             - Configure screen locking
kcm_regionandlang            - Language Setting, Numeric, Currency and Time Formats
kcm_componentchooser         - Choose default Applications
kcm_lookandfeel              - Choose global look and feel
kcm_keyboard                 - Keyboard Hardware and Layout
kcm_tablet                   - No description available
kcm_notifications            - Event Notifications and Actions
kcm_touchscreen              - No description available
kcm_colors                   - Choose colour scheme
kcm_style                    - Configure application style and behaviour
kcm_autostart                - Automatically Started Applications
kcm_feedback                 - Configure user feedback settings
kcm_workspace                - Configure general workspace behaviour
kcm_icons                    - Choose icon theme
kcm_cursortheme              - Choose mouse cursor theme
kcm_virtualkeyboard          - Select which virtual keyboard to use
kcm_smserver                 - Desktop Session Login and Logout
kcm_access                   - Configure Accessibility Options
kcm_kwinrules                - Individual Window Behaviour
kcm_bluetooth                - Manage Bluetooth devices
kcm_mouse                    - Mouse Controls
kcm_kscreen                  - Manage and configure monitors and displays
kcm_users                    - Manage user accounts
kcm_keys                     - Configure Keyboard Shortcuts
kcm_activities               - Activities help you to focus on a specific task
kcm_kded                     - Configure background services
kcm_nightcolor               - Adjust screen color temperature based on time
kcm_landingpage              - Landing page with some basic settings
kcm_wallpaper                - Configure the wallpaper
kcm_kwin_effects             - Configure compositor settings for desktop effects
kcm_baloofile                - Configure File Search
kcm_plasmasearch             - Configure search settings
kcm_kaccounts                - Configure your internet accounts such as Google, Live, Owncloud
kcm_kwin_scripts             - Manage KWin scripts
kcm_desktoptheme             - Choose Plasma style
kcm_desktoppaths             - Location for Personal Files
kcm_kamera                   - Configure Kamera
kcm_kdeconnect               - Connect and sync your devices
kcm_kwinscreenedges          - Configure active screen corners and edges
kcm_qtquicksettings          - No description available
kcm_kgamma                   - A monitor calibration tool
kcm_networkmanagement        - Edit your Network Connections
kcm_cddb                     - Configure the CDDB Retrieval
kcm_solid_actions            - Manage actions available to the user when connecting new devices
kcm_cron                     - Configure and schedule tasks
kcm_kwinoptions              - Configure window actions and behaviour
kcm_netpref                  - Configure generic network preferences, like timeout values
kcm_recentFiles              - Manage your file activity history preferences
kcmspellchecking             - Spell Checker Dictionaries and Options
kcm_filetypes                - Configure file associations
kcm_audiocd                  - Audiocd IO Worker Configuration
kcm_webshortcuts             - Configure web search keywords
kcm_device_automounter       - Configure automatic mounting of disks and volumes
kcm_fontinst                 - Install, manage and preview fonts
kcm_kwintabbox               - Navigation Through Windows
kcm_clock                    - Date and Time
kwincompositing              - Compositor Settings for Desktop Effects
kcm_kwallet5                 - KDE Wallet Configuration
kcm_kwintouchscreen          - Configure touch screen swipe gestures
kcm_proxy                    - Configure the proxy servers used
kcm_nic                      - Network interface information
kcm_glx                      - GLX information
kcm_interrupts               - Interrupt information
kcm_opencl                   - OpenCL API information
kcm_egl                      - EGL information
kcm_firmware_security        - Firmware Security Information
kcm_vulkan                   - Vulkan graphics API information
kcm_kwinsupportinfo          - KWin Support information
kcm_xserver                  - X-Server information
kcm_usb                      - USB devices attached to this computer
kcm_wayland                  - Information about the Wayland Compositor
kcm_cpu                      - Advanced CPU Information
kcm_devinfo                  - Device Viewer
kcm_pci                      - PCI information
kcm_samba                    - Samba status monitor

will show you what’s available now… and Manjaro Settings isn’t there - so you just go to Manjaro Settings Manager and launch it from there.

For anything listed there, you can launch (you can also create launchers)…

For example:
kcmshell6 kcm_fontinst
kcmshell6 kcm_fonts

But Kernels now is doable via terminal mhwd-kernel -l or GUI Manjaro Settings Manager.

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I do not remember putting it there maybe I did some time ago but mine is in the system tray.I can right click and have the option for kernels and what ever I need to look at in the settings.

True but I meant to install a new kernel, there used to be a GUI and I cant find it now

If I recall correctly, the app was previously linked in the KDE settings, which broke due to the KDE6 upgrade. Did you try to search for “Manjaro Settings” with the search in the start-menu? Thats how it is called at my gnome installation

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yes I finally founf it, thank you. Its annoying that manjaro settings is a different gui instead of being part of plasma settings, hopefully that can be fixed

AFAIK it is because KDE switched from qt5 to qt6 (the frontend library). Manjaro Settings is qt5. In the end, its just another click so far :slight_smile:

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Then - friend - Manjaro is not for you - if everything else fails - you need to know som cli-fu

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Terminal command to launch Manjaro Settings Manager > Kernel GUI

manjaro-settings-manager -m msm_kernel
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I use CLI a lot when I have to, but manjaro afaik is an arch based distro meant to be easy to use, one of the reasons I like manjaro are these little GUIs that gives me the opportunity from having to use the CLI

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This makes a lot of sense

Then you should have no issues - helping yourself - beyond the point when Manjaro Settings not longerbeing available in Plasma Settings.

That is how it is - at least for the time being - with Plasma 6 - and the Settings Manager is still available - using the not so common path of using Plasma Settings.

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Also as already mentioned, there is a quick access in the system tray, right click the Manjaro Settings Manager icon, and click Kernels.

You invoked a harsh response for this comment - and I sympathise to some extent.

I now use Fish terminal, but you can do the same with ZSH…

mhwd-kernel --list

abbr kernel-list-available 'mhwd-kernel -l'
abbr kernel-list-installed 'mhwd-kernel -li'
abbr kernel-r 'mhwd-kernel -r'

The next time you open your fish (or zsh if you do alias) then you start typing ‘kerne’ and will see all your ‘remembered’ options.

At the very least you can do ‘mhwd-kernel’ and alias/abbr that to ‘kernel’.

Also with fish, if you have entered any command, then you can just do CtrlR and start typing ‘kern’ and it’ll pull up a selection of commands containing that language.

So experience with terminal makes this MUCH easier - and this is the Manjaro way. There’s a difference between ignorance (meaning - I just didn’t know that and it’s complicated) and ignorance meaning ‘Screw you, I don’t want to be bothered with that sh1t’.

GUI is nice, but terminal doesn’t have to be harder.

So, if you didn’t already, then have a go with terminal - start with fish.

This isn’t really a Manjaro issue - this is an issue with Plasma upgrades - and as always, some things are brought in and other things get lost… some things WILL be replaced and some things won’t.


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