I looked in /usr/share but there are so many folders I can’t find what I’m looking for. Is there a location for the .vb, .nes, .snes, and so on icons? I can’t find it no matter where I look.
The icons are colored corresponding to the console, with the consoles logo on it, if that helps.
13 August 2022 04:11
Well I think you are looking at mimetypes…
So you can look in icon folders - using zoxide in my terminal I find these options:
Then when you have an unrecognised file you must work that out for yourself.
You’ll find most of the system’s existing options in /usr/share/icons/breeze/mimetypes/64/
So you then go to your browser and search snes icon
and download that to a personal icon folder.
I have no idea if any installable icon sets will have Nintendo icons as standard.
Interestingly, I just looked at a Donky Kong SNES rom, and it’s file extension was .sfc
And the system recognises it and has “application-x-apple-diskimage.svg” icons already - no need to go searching.
Thank you so much for replying! Also thanks!!
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15 August 2022 18:35
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