Where are KDE icons located?

In /usr/share/applications there are configuration files for different KDE desktop shortcuts that are displayed on the panel or in start menu.

However, I can’t find the location to the icons, as they are not provided with the full path. See:

Exec=/usr/lib/thunderbird/thunderbird %u

Where is the icon file “thunderbird” located?

Is exactly how is supposed to be, otherwise when changing the icon theme from System Settings, that full path would not be valid anymore but point to a fixed icon …

As always, system installed icon themes are located in /usr/share/icons/ … but what is your exact issue, what are you trying to do?

My icon was missing. The problem was with permissions, so I had to find the files in filesystem. I answered the question myself by looking into the file list under Add/Remove Software dialog (you have 3 buttons, “details”,“dependencies” and “files”. That’s where I found where the icons are installed).
Thanks for the answer anyway.

Hi @asriel,

Am I correct in assuming you’re looking for the location of custom icons? If so, I believe it’s in ~/.local/share/icons/.

Hope this helps!


you can see /usr/share/icons/hicolor/(any-folder)

for example: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/

I have the same problem in the past :slight_smile:

AFAIK customizations should rather be kept to the home directory…

/usr/share/icons is where icons are installed, with privileges.
/.local/share/icons is another location - which may or may not be included in your snapshotting/backups.

However, to solve many issues with icons, I also have a ‘Resources’ folder on my backup HDD, which also has an ‘icons’ folder - with some icons there dating back to 2007 when I first started archiving favourites…

So if I create a web-app, when I want to add an icon, I can browse to that folder and attach an icon I maybe downloaded.


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Is there KDE analog of GTK Icon Browser (gtk4-demos)?

It’s cool simple app that shows you all icons installed in your system. Very handy to write your own desktop entry files.

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There is Cuttlefish which comes from the plasma-sdk package.

To create a desktop entry


Then set your icon by searching for appropriate one or browse for external one

Then fill your application command and arguments and env vars

Also some icons (system tray icons such as network, audio) are located in /usr/share/plasma/desktoptheme/

  • Fortunately this separate set of icons will be retired and if I remember correctly it’s how it used to be a long time ago, so for Plasma 6, if you use a full custom icon set those system tray icons will come from there and icon creators wont need to also have a plasma desktop theme icons folder.

Source: Using Kirigami.Icon everywhere is a part of the project to deprecate icons that live in the Plasma style, and always use icons from the (configurable) systemwide icon theme instead.

I have two locations for custom icons, the first ~/.local/share/icons and the other is for icons I download or save for posterity which is my Dropbox/icons folder.

The easiest way I find to change the icon for a ~/.local/share/application item is to context-properties the item rather than text edit. That way you can just click the icon to get an icon browser (no need for cuttlefish) which you can also use to manually browse

I like this because it means I can quickly search DDG and pick a transparent PNG, dump it in my ‘resources’ and pick it.
As with my desktop folder…
2023-10-28 11:52:32