Why is it taking so long to move the nvidia-open from unstable to testing/stable? It’s been on Arch’s stable since May/2022 and its even on Debian stable nowadays.
I’ve been using the AUR package and I really need it! My notebook does not work properly with the old proprietary and nouveau drivers.
I’m happy with the AUR nvidia-open-beta, but I would like to know why is it taking so long?
hum, I didn’t know it is the same as Arch stable. Thanks for the tip.
I was planning to try to install from unstable only the nvidia-open and later move back to stable. But I’ve been postponing this because I’m busy and can’t risk my setup at the moment.
But I’ll try this after I finish my current tasks (deadline jan 30).
PS: I’m sorry for posting on and old topic. There was no other topic with this content and it felt more appropriate to continue there instead of raising a new one. But I understand.