When will the open source Nvidia driver move to stable?

Why is it taking so long to move the nvidia-open from unstable to testing/stable? It’s been on Arch’s stable since May/2022 and its even on Debian stable nowadays.

I’ve been using the AUR package and I really need it! My notebook does not work properly with the old proprietary and nouveau drivers.

I’m happy with the AUR nvidia-open-beta, but I would like to know why is it taking so long?

Please don’t necro bump old threads.

You can always switch to the unstable branch. Despite the name it’s actually pretty stable, it’s mostly the same as Arch stable.


hum, I didn’t know it is the same as Arch stable. Thanks for the tip.

I was planning to try to install from unstable only the nvidia-open and later move back to stable. But I’ve been postponing this because I’m busy and can’t risk my setup at the moment.

But I’ll try this after I finish my current tasks (deadline jan 30).

PS: I’m sorry for posting on and old topic. There was no other topic with this content and it felt more appropriate to continue there instead of raising a new one. But I understand.

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Test by downloading the latest development ISO.

The installer should choose the open driver by default.

The easy method is to install the manjaro-get-iso package from testing/unstable

get-iso -p <edition>
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Yes, it makes sense to try the iso first. I’ll do it.

But anyway, the question is about why is the nvidia-open stuck on unstable for so long.

compatibility reasons

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Please don’t do this, it would put you in a partial update state which is unsupportable. If you switch then update everything.


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