i want to format one partition on a secondary HDD (/dev/sdb1) to change temporary files and copy it after that on my other exfat drives ( had several problems with my new created sdb1 exfat partition), i also want to add that i don’t want let win10 have access to this partition and it looks that there is no access for exfat on windows10 but exfat should be supported on windows atleast that was i alwas experienced atleast with win7, maybe the support for exfat removed from Microsoft? I’m clueless whats going on there.
So my main question is, should i format my partition with exfat or with ext3 or ext4, i worried mainly on data corruption if i transfer my files from sdb1 partition to my other drives (exfat), the secondary goal is to hide it from win10.
Another problem that i had on my first try after formatting the partition with exfat, that i had problems with file extraction (Ark GUI) and already created projects, but save/modify (Shotcut GUI) i get access error.
I had mounted this partition in the last few days with fstab:
UUID=9088-CA65 /media/temp exfat defaults 0 0
After frustation that i had with this 2 Applications i format the partition with ext4 and i had even more access problems, it looks like there is only admin root rights, but i prefer to have full user access rights that i can work with dolphin, ark and shotcut and to have access that is not vanished after a reboot.
So my actually partition is: /dev/sdb1 formatted with ext4
and UUID is: 1e81b7c2-3438-438a-b572-ff8a966a78e1
Mount Point: /media/temp
Any help is welcome, thanks in advanced.