What even is gitstatusd?

Why is gitstatus running on my system even though it’s not installed, why is it preventing me from deleting folders that contain git repositories, and, most important, how do I get rid of it?

ps -af | grep gitstatus
username 8459 8446 0 11:07 pts/1 00:00:00 /usr/share/zsh-theme-powerlevel10k/gitstatus/usrbin/gitstatusd -G v1.5.4 -s -1 -u -1 -d -1 -c -1 -m -1 -v FATAL -t 2

pacman doesn’t even find any gitstatus packages, but the “Add/Remove Software” thingy shows some AUR pieces that are all not installed.

“git status” still works after killing the gitstatus process, so it’s a workaround to being able to remove folders with git repositories, but I’d like a more permanent solution.

So … obviously part of that powerlevel theme…

You can always do pacman -Qo /path/to/file to see what package provides it.

What even is a powerlevel theme -.-
And why does a “theme” run background processes that prevent me from doing stuff?

Is is possible to just disable gitstatus or do I have to remove the whole theme? Is that even possible? What else will break if I remove the whole theme?

You installed it :person_shrugging:

If you don’t like it, uninstall it.

Generally, you can delete any file even if it’s currently accessed. You probably have some weird NTFS partition with very large git repositories.

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Powerlevel10k is used by the default Manjaro zsh theme. It can be customized using the builtin configuration wizard:

p10k configure

You might be best served directing queries to the aforementioned GitHub page.

I hope this helps. Cheers

No I don’t think they installed by choice, as powerlevel10k is installed as a dependency of manjaro-zsh-config

Edit your ~/.zshrc and set


Or you could replace manjaro-zsh-config with grml-zsh-config but that is entirely up to you.

If anyone feels the urge to address the OP’s questions in an orderly fashion, here they are, conveniently listed:

  • Why is gitstatus running on my system even though it’s not installed?
  • Why is it preventing me from deleting folders that contain git repositories?
  • How do I get rid of it?
  • What even is a powerlevel theme?
  • Why does a “theme” run background processes that prevent me from doing stuff?
  • Is is possible to just disable gitstatus?
  • So I have to remove the whole theme?
  • Is that even possible?
  • What else will break if I remove the whole theme?

He can learn how to use google and find answers to all of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is one: Any way to disable gitstatusd? · Issue #246 · romkatv/powerlevel10k · GitHub


I’ll drop this here to answer the title question “What even is gitstatus?”

gitstatus is a plugin made for prompts - it tells you how many things have changed since the last git commit in a repository.

This brief description comes from the GitStatus GitHub page.


Lets try some

  • It is part of powerlevel10k (and ist is installed as a depency) :point_up_2:
  • This theme is part of the design of your terminal / shell
  • A theme may need to run background processes to be able to show elapsed time / hourglass-symbols or similar things (in 5h uptime it did cost me < 1min process time )

I do not know :man_shrugging:

You did not show any example :innocent:

On my system it is also running, and it did not prevent me from interacting with git repositories in my system in any way.

Maybe this is just a hasty conclusion due to a lack of knowledge.

What makes a NTFS partition “weird” and how would one un-weird it?

Tried that, I didn’t see anything about gitstatus, though.
Thanks for your suggestions! I will have a look at the github page.

I wonder what that entails. Time to find out, I guess. Thanks for your suggestion!

Not my understanding of the word “theme” but if that’s how it is, then fiiiine.
Thanks for your post, it was very insightful.

Well, maybe, I don’t know the ins and outs of Manjaro (yet), and that specific issue seems to be the result of some dozens of packages stacked on top of each other so it might take a while for me to find out.

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NTFS is a proprietary filesystem that usually doesnt do permissions in the same way *nix does.
(It can be made to do so, but that breaks other things … it becomes a cyclical scenario of ‘why ntfs?’)

Then rethink ‘theme’ … at least for the context of your terminal prompt.
In that context ‘theme’ is more accurately described as a collection of functions that run at the beginning of every terminal session. This could be anything from reporting time or current location to … well, what you see here.

And no … you dont have to use it. I personally find zsh and all the extra stuff … too extra.

Bash with PS1 reporting username@host and current working directory ftw :slight_smile:

It’s not since you don’t have Roman’s separate gitstatus project installed. gitstatusd as your output shows. What it is has already been explained. Topic title edited.

That’s a completely different command. See powerlevel10k/gitstatus at master · romkatv/powerlevel10k · GitHub

It’s not. Please create a new Support topic regarding that.

Your question has been answered. Please mark the reply that solved your issue.


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