FREEFILESYNC will cause very awful problems when im trying to sync with it using a veracrypt encrypted device…
so i’m looking for a better program that will locally sync my files from the hard drive to external hard drive.
but not terminal based.
i could not find one by making a quick search on the internet.
thank you
i need to backup my files urgently… maybe something is wrong with the external hard drive… it is not clear to me.
as for a GUI alternative, i don’t use a GUI backup program so i can’t help there, but you might want to look at rsync for which there are probably many GUI front-ends
backintime would probably do the job you need. It is well maintained, and as it does not compress the backed-up files, they can be restored to the original drive just by dragging & dropping.
Back In Time is a backup solution for GNU/Linux desktops. It is based on rsync and uses hard links to reduce space used for unchanged files. It comes with a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line interface (CLI).
Backups are stored in plain text. They can be browsed with a normal file-browser or in terminal which makes it possible to restore files even without Back In Time. Files ownership, group and permissions are stored in a separate compressed plain text file (fileinfo.bz2). If the backup drive does not support permissions Back In Time will restore permissions from fileinfo.bz2. So if you restore files without Back In Time, permissions could get lost.