Greetings from California!
New to Manjaro, but I have been using Linux for about 20 years now. Started off with Mandrake and installing from 3.5 inch floppies. Stayed with them through the name change to Mandria until things started to get iffy.
Distro hopped for a while until I found the “hot new distro” Ubuntu. When they started messing with the desktop I moved on to Mint. I’ve been on Mint the most because it just worked.
Job changed and I found myself on the road more than at home and stuck with a Win laptop for work.
I started to get the Linux itch again while home during the covid lockdowns and started watching vids on LBRY. Manjaro caught my eye in a video by OldTechBloke, so I put it in a VM. My current personal laptop has USB-C but, a small internal drive. So I got a USB-C drive and installed Manjaro on that. Needless to say I got hooked.