Welcome and introduce yourself - 2020

Well, in that case, I can recommend the 5.4 LTS (Long Term Support) kernel: still updates but less than always being on the latest and greatest Linux kernel… :grin:

Start here:

Yes, if you read this too:




  • use plain English
  • avoid XY Problems
  • always, always, always provide an inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --no-host --width even if you think it’s not needed. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That depends on you: If you’re a tinkerer and like to install all kinds of themes, desktop environments, Bouncing icons, Wobbly windows, … you’re going to have less piece of mind!

:joy: :wink:

And last but not least:

:+1: Välkommen till Manjaro! :+1: