Webcam led blinking & few other questions

I am new to manjaro sway, but not new to linux.

I have a couple of questions:

  • After reboot my webcam led is blinking. I guess this is some kind of indication or ?
  • What is the shortcut to lock my screen?
  • Is there any documentation to understand the hierarchy of the files/templates/plugins and how I can extend them?
  • When I have an empty workspace can the numbers of the others workspaces adjust their numbers dynamically? An example: I have 1,2,3 and 2 goes empty, I would like that 3 becomes 2 instead of keeping number 3.

Thank you!

Hello and welcome,

I suppose you can try to check how it functions.
I would normally expect a blinking light to indicate some sort of error.

Guesses include Ctrl+Alt+L and Meta+L.
Maybe look like cat ~/.config/sway/config

Probably you just need to start at the archwiki;
Sway - ArchWiki

No idea.

I tried all the most common combinations nothing worked, but I guess I can add my own if I don’t find it.

Of course sway is one thing, but it seems many scripts and extra plugins are used. Any kind of documentation about what is used, which are the template files, etc would be highly appreciated and an easy way for the first steps in the distro. For now, I try to figure it out myself.

yes, I also assume so and I try to find out any kind of error output or sth. Anyway, it stopped now. :smiley:

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These links may be useful:

Keep in mind that Manjaro Sway is a Community edition of Manjaro, and resources may not be as easily found as those for the official Manjaro editions.

However, this has content you might find useful; look for the tab titled Install on Other Distributions and you will find interesting configuration information as you scroll down:


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yeah, this is great! Thank you!

For anybody interested in this, I opened a ticket on github 💡 Workspace numbers · Issue #895 · manjaro-sway/manjaro-sway · GitHub

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