Webcam gets activated on boot

This has been happening for a week now, I think. The first time I noticed the webcam’s LED indicator was on, I opened Cheese to check if the cam was really busy, and it was: Cheese showed a warning that the cam could not be accessed.

The problem affects OBS Studio, as well, which is really bad for me, because I’m a primary school teacher and I need to record videos from time to time.

Fortunately, it doesn’t happen with Chrome, since I have online meetings on WebEx, GMeet, Jitsi or MSTeams nearly every day.

I have to say I did some things that could have messed up something in the system (I don’t really know, I’m not a power user). I installed two apps from the AUR:

  • Microsoft Teams
  • Webex Meetings

I removed them to see if the problem got solved, but it didn’t.

Thank you very much. I love Manjaro and its community.

Maybe you did this

Hard to tell. Maybe you added a desktop file in autostart.


Thank you very much. Now I see it was so simple. Even though I uninstalled MS Teams, it was there (in Autostart).

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