Watchdog did not stop! on reboot

Today I freshly installed Manjaro Gnome on my laptop (again) and while rebooting after the first update I got:

watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!

Can someone tell me what exactly is the problem and how to fix it eventually?
Thank you in advance!

watchdogs can usually be disabled if you dont use them.
(for most this is true … and it gives a slight performance boost and power save)
The simplest way of doing this is adding nowatchdogs to the boot params.
(like in /etc/default/grub)
This can sometimes not be enough … and one would usually blacklist the offending watchdog module.
Please show us the output of
lsmod | grep -i tc

Did you search the internet and research what that means? Why do you think there’s a problem?

@cscs I saw you typing and knew you were going to say something about disabling it. :laughing:

If its good enough for me its probably (but not always) good enough for thee :slight_smile:

I searched our forum and there was one post that some dude said that for regular user ‘watchdog’ is not needed, so i decided to ask directly, because I thought is something that I missconfigured after the installation.

If this post is not needed and its wrong that I asked, I will delete it :]

Fair enough.

@talasum I was just wondering if you researched to find out what watchdog is and why that message appears. It’s not Manjaro specific. :wink:

That’s it:

lsmod | grep -i tc
sp5100_tco 20480 0
xt_tcpudp 20480 18
x_tables 57344 13 ip6table_filter,xt_conntrack,iptable_filter,xt_LOG,xt_tcpudp,xt_addrtype,ip6t_rt,ip6_tables,ipt_REJECT,ip_tables,xt_limit,xt_hl,ip6t_REJECT

Thats the one. If you want to do the disabling you can run this to create the blacklist file:

echo "blacklist sp5100_tco" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-watchdog.conf

Reboot … after boot you should no longer see that module in processes, journal, or lsmod.
Reboot again and you should not see the message during shutdown.


I found some stuff from Arch forums too, but it was from 2013 and I thought it may be outdaded information. Usually I try to stick to our forum and in most cases I find all sorts of useful stuff, but sometimes there are stuff that I just can’t understand or find and then I ask my stupid questions :smiley:

Acceptable answer. :+1:

Remember, there are no stupid questions. :wink:

Thank you cscs,
from a fast research on what is sp5100_tco watchdog in Arch forum i see that is something related to my motherboard not being IPMI compliant, or there are more to it that I should dig :smiley:

Thank you Yochanan!

You’re welcome.

By the way, I was just messing around with my snide reply to @cscs. He is very knowledgeable. He even knows more than me! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

According to Wikipedia:Watchdog timer:
A watchdog timer […] is an electronic timer that is used to detect and recover from computer malfunctions. During normal operation, the computer regularly resets the watchdog timer […]. If, […], the computer fails to reset the watchdog, the timer will elapse and generate a timeout signal […] used to initiate corrective […] actions […] typically include placing the computer system in a safe state and restoring normal system operation.
Many users need this feature due to their system’s mission-critical role (i.e. servers), or because of the lack of power reset (i.e. embedded devices). Thus, this feature is required for a good operation in some situations. On the other hand, normal users (i.e. desktop and laptop) do not need this feature and can disable it.

We know different things. Lots of same things too :slight_smile:

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I admire your knowledge guys and how helpful and friendly you are! With all this support you are offering you help the average PC user to stay with Linux and enjoy it! Appreciate it!

you gave me stuff to entertain my brain with tonight :smiley: I will educate myself, thank you for your time once again!

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