getting this message today was there a Schduled maintenance or did it go done, the main website, since I don’t see any Announchments in the forums which I would think their would be correct if its planned? was going to download some 22.0.5 iso images when I seen this message today . I don’t recall if manjaro uses grub2 or systemd-boot in their Distro iso images of current, does the installer give you that option, I also been looking at pop-os_22.04_amd64_nvidia_25 based on ubuntu, but I do prefer arch linux based versions over ubuntu, I kind of got tired of ubuntu but their both ok, the only one I don’t care for is gentoo linux, I don’t like to have to roll or process my own apps for all software last time I tried gentoo it did that.
HI THERE is unavailable for scheduled maintenance, we will be back as soon as possible. Meanwhile try another service.
Any ideas when the main website will be back online, it kind of makes it hard to access the iso images, I think there was more than just kde and gnome correct last time I look at the website.
I am a learning-disabled student so; at times I make mistakes with my grammar and run-on sentences and even spelling at times, but less spelling and more the other two items you listed,
so sorry about that. it’s also called special ED in high school or DESP in college which I was last in for english 905 and english 1A. are their a lot of english teachers at manjaro, again sorry about that. error on my part.
plus I just did a copy and paste of the text from the main home page, so if theirs any grammer and spelling errors its not on my part, but I didn’t recheck it for errors.
if it helps, I noticed that the link to ““”” the logo image on that page is also down not loading in my edge browser under windows 11, but if you go to main page, the logo image is up, anyway thanks again for reply back to me about this matter I am only using linux on my older desktop, and maybe my laptop I have not tried to run it under that yet on my newest disto builds. I these days use rufus to load them from iso to my USB drives, I don’t burn them to DVD-RWs or DVD-R discs anymore which I used to do for linux years ago.
the other thing, I am kind of picky about what desktop I use be it KDE or Gnome which seems to work better with scaling settings for 4k monitors, I current had upgraded early this year to an M28U Gigabyte monitor which defaults to 3840 x 2160, 60 Hz but I can change that up to 144 Hz but I really don’t notice the difference , it supports HDR which my older monitor didn’t I got it for playing 4k games on my newer desktop which runs an nvidia rtx 3070 gigabyte card, and I have an Intel i9-12900k 3.20 Ghz in it, my older Desktop still using an Intel i7 and it also has an nvidia 3D card, but its one I know works with linux, not sure about the Nvidia rtx 30 series, last I check it was not support under linux,
not sure if that changed yet or not with the drivers. my point is that gnome I was able to scale but KDE was harder to fix, and some of the other distro’s just don’t look right at 3840 x 2160 resolution on my older gigabyte based desktop.
my new one is also running an gigabyte with DDR5 memory by older one is using DDR3 memory, and my current one runs windows 11 with the current bios settings, but my older desktop windows 11 well it doesn’t have that TPM chip that it requires in any case by default on Microsoft’s part in its installer.
Any possibility of being emailed when Manjaro is well again? I need to re-install so these hours without are very trying. Good luck with the Maintenance, but please let people know when …