I was reading this archived forum entry about .pacnew files.
I use: DIFFPROG=meld pacdiff
And make any changes in another terminal. meld will recognize the file changed and you can reload. I always copy a configuration file to either file.install or file.YMD, before making a change.
I added to pacman.conf:
NoUpgrade = .bashrc etc/pwd etc/group etc/shadow etc/bash.bashrc
Is there a way to view all commits or history for a file in a project at https://gitlab.manjaro.org/ when packaged by manjaro?
And last, we’d go to the applications source page.
Is there a way to display the repository (core, extra) via pacman or other? pacman -Qi doesn’t contain it. It would make it easier to find it in git (I think).
no ! pacman no write in home, and you can run pacman -Fx "bashrc"
if you want changes of your .pacnew, you can create your git repo:
create repo
mkdir ~/.local/share/pacnew.git/
cd ~/.local/share/pacnew.git/; git init
#git push # in private repo if you want web diff
after all update, before merge, save change in local repo
cd ~/.local/share/pacnew.git/
cp -f $(find /etc -name "*.pacnew") ~/.local/share/pacnew.git/
git add -A
git commit -am "$(date) pacman update"
git push # in private repo if you want web diff
after a rotation, we have the upstream difference between 2 “pacnew”