Video (h264/h265) acceleration under aarch64 and 5.10rc


can someone point me to more informations about video acceleration under the raspberry pi 4 and aarch64. Maybe a link to a github repo or the name of a kernel subsystem. I know it is not available at the moment, but where is it implemented? I think it is not mesa. Will it be in kms or v4l2?

You sure? I think mesa is “only” for accessing the 3d pipeline via opengl es or vulkan. The video hw decoding blocks are unaffected by this. I would think it is more in the v4l2 direction…

Yes, mesa have nothing to do with video on arm devices as arm have a vpu unit to handle video encoding and decoding.

Currently @Darksky is testing H265 (HEVC) over kodi 19 which seems to work fine but h264 will be software decoded.

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Will the H265 (HEVC) works on Amlogic Bifrost chip?

No dear, rpi uses didnt soc.
Also amlogic bifrost is not used for vpu. Amlogic vdec is used for video decoding.