Video Acceleration support for H264?

I just installed a fresh copy of the minimal Manjaro distribution on a Thinkpad T14s with an AMD Ryzen 7 PRO with Radeon 680M integrated graphics.

I’m looking into video hardware acceleration, and it doesn’t seem like H264 decoding is supported. Is this normal for this kind of graphics? Or is there a way for me to install support for it?

Output of vainfo

Trying display: wayland
Trying display: x11
vainfo: VA-API version: 1.18 (libva 2.18.2)
vainfo: Driver version: Mesa Gallium driver 23.0.4 for AMD Radeon Graphics (rembrandt, LLVM 15.
0.7, DRM 3.49, 6.1.38-1-MANJARO)
vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
      VAProfileJPEGBaseline           :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVP9Profile0            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVP9Profile2            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileAV1Profile0            :	VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileNone                   :	VAEntrypointVideoProc

Trying to run a video file in VLC (MPEG4/H264 video)

VLC media player 3.0.18 Vetinari (revision 3.0.13-8-g41878ff4f2)
[000056097516b5d0] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc w
ithout interface.
[00007fcda8007260] gl gl: Initialized libplacebo v5.229.2 (API v229)
[00007fcdac0d8c80] vaapi generic error: profile(7) is not supported
[00007fcda82403d0] gl gl: Initialized libplacebo v5.229.2 (API v229)
[00007fcdbcc18c70] avcodec decoder: Using G3DVL VDPAU Driver Shared Library version 1.0 for har
dware decoding
[h264 @ 0x7fcdbcc64740] Failed setup for format vdpau: hwaccel initialisation returned error.
[00007fcdbcc18c70] avcodec decoder error: existing hardware acceleration cannot be reused
[00007fcda89e7520] gl gl: Initialized libplacebo v5.229.2 (API v229)
[00007fcdac0d8c80] vaapi generic error: profile(7) is not supported
[00007fcda827e360] gl gl: Initialized libplacebo v5.229.2 (API v229)
# locally trust the ci key
sudo pacman-key --recv-keys B728DB23B92CB01B
sudo pacman-key --lsign-key B728DB23B92CB01B

## add the repo configuration:
sudo sh -c "curl -s$(pacman-mirrors -G)/ > /etc/pacman.d/mesa-nonfree.pre.repo.conf"

## include the repo configuration:
sudo sed -i '/^\[core\]/i \Include = /etc/pacman.d/mesa-nonfree.pre.repo.conf\n' /etc/pacman.conf



Thank you kind stranger, that totally worked! :+1:

(I reinstalled both libva-mesa-driver and mesa-vdpau to apply the alternative drivers)

Be careful not to get in trouble. It looks like mesa-nonfree is no longer supported for stable branch .
for comparison:

Sad to see this, but better compile it yourself. Your thinkpad is able to do this in less than 10 minutes. Sorry for those with weaker hardware.

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