Very weird dependencies conflict

During pamac update I get conflicting dependencies that I have not idea what they are. I can’t even google what they could be:

Mod edit: screenshot removed

Usually I disable conflicting packages to go on, but I have no idea which ones to disable among over 660 packages of today’s update…

Please post error message as text.

This sounds like a very similar issue to another thread.

The fix was to do the update via pacman first:

sudo pacman -Syu

That should identify the conflicting packages so that you can uninstall one before running the update again. In the above thread the conflict was:

tlp-1.7.0-1 and power-profiles-daemon-0.23-2 are in conflict

Removing tlp allowed their update to proceed.

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Synchronizing package databases...
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
conflicting dependencies:
- x!�9t and a
             ��Ch�I�vgz are in conflict

Oh, thanks, that helped!! It was tlp.

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