Valgrind missing strcmp

Using Valgrind I obtain:

valgrind:  Fatal error at startup: a function redirection
valgrind:  which is mandatory for this platform-tool combination
valgrind:  cannot be set up.  Details of the redirection are:
valgrind:  A must-be-redirected function
valgrind:  whose name matches the pattern:      strcmp
valgrind:  in an object with soname matching:
valgrind:  was not found whilst processing
valgrind:  symbols from the object with soname:
valgrind:  Possible fixes: (1, short term): install glibc's debuginfo
valgrind:  package on this machine.  (2, longer term): ask the packagers
valgrind:  for your Linux distribution to please in future ship a non-
valgrind:  stripped (or whatever the dynamic linker .so is called)
valgrind:  that exports the above-named function using the standard
valgrind:  calling conventions for this platform.  The package you need
valgrind:  to install for fix (1) is called
valgrind:    On Debian, Ubuntu:                 libc6-dbg
valgrind:    On SuSE, openSuSE, Fedora, RHEL:   glibc-debuginfo
valgrind:  Note that if you are debugging a 32 bit process on a
valgrind:  64 bit system, you will need a corresponding 32 bit debuginfo
valgrind:  package (e.g. libc6-dbg:i386).
valgrind:  Cannot continue -- exiting now.  Sorry.

I see:


$ pacman -Q glibc valgrind 
glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2
valgrind 3.24.0-1

I also looked at Branch compare for Manjaro and it should be stable. But it doesn’t work…

Thanks in advance.

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You probably need to look at:

Debugging/Getting traces - ArchWiki

Debuginfod - ArchWiki

Arch and Manjaro stable are different - not sure whether this will work.

I am no a low level coder so I cannot advise - however I compared the versions - and it appears there is a newer verson of glibc with Arch and Manjaro unstable

 $ mbn info valgrind -q | grep -e 'Branch' -e 'Version'
Branch         : archlinux
Version        : 3.24.0-1
Branch         : unstable
Version        : 3.24.0-1
Branch         : testing
Version        : 3.24.0-1
Branch         : stable
Version        : 3.24.0-1

 $ mbn info glibc -q | grep -e 'Branch' -e 'Version'
Branch         : archlinux
Version        : 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
Branch         : unstable
Version        : 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
Branch         : testing
Version        : 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
Branch         : stable
Version        : 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2

package: manjaro-check-repos (remember mbn update)

I just ran into the same problem.
I distinctly remember using Valgrind successfully in the past. (Also on the stable Manjaro branch)
Will it be automatically fixed in a system update soon? Luckily, I don’t need it asap.

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It’ll likely start working once the stable branch has the same version as Arch Linux, or when Manjaro deploys a debuginfo server.



I received a new update that give me:

$ pacman -Q glibc valgrind 
glibc 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
valgrind 3.24.0-1

However, the problem persists.

It’s very simple. If the version of glibc you have isn’t the same as the current Arch Linux version (which is glibc 2.41+r2+g0a7c7a3e283a-1 right now) then there will be problems with valgrind.

Manjaro stable branch is not a suitable distro if you depend on having valgrind because it will often be the case that the glibc package version is behind Arch. There are many posts on the forum about this subject if you use search.

Your options are;

  • Switch to unstable branch (which gets updates from Arch much quicker and does currently have 2.41+r2+g0a7c7a3e283a-1)

  • Use another distro

My question will probably sound absurd: Is it possible to use the unstable branch only for the glibc package and not for the whole system?

That’s a very bad idea.

Is it possible to install a newer version of glibc on stable branch? Yes, this is Linux, anything is possible. But at the very least that will put your system in an completely unsupported state, and may cause strange issues or break it completely. If you do that then you’re on your own.

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