Valgrind missing strcmp

Using Valgrind I obtain:

valgrind:  Fatal error at startup: a function redirection
valgrind:  which is mandatory for this platform-tool combination
valgrind:  cannot be set up.  Details of the redirection are:
valgrind:  A must-be-redirected function
valgrind:  whose name matches the pattern:      strcmp
valgrind:  in an object with soname matching:
valgrind:  was not found whilst processing
valgrind:  symbols from the object with soname:
valgrind:  Possible fixes: (1, short term): install glibc's debuginfo
valgrind:  package on this machine.  (2, longer term): ask the packagers
valgrind:  for your Linux distribution to please in future ship a non-
valgrind:  stripped (or whatever the dynamic linker .so is called)
valgrind:  that exports the above-named function using the standard
valgrind:  calling conventions for this platform.  The package you need
valgrind:  to install for fix (1) is called
valgrind:    On Debian, Ubuntu:                 libc6-dbg
valgrind:    On SuSE, openSuSE, Fedora, RHEL:   glibc-debuginfo
valgrind:  Note that if you are debugging a 32 bit process on a
valgrind:  64 bit system, you will need a corresponding 32 bit debuginfo
valgrind:  package (e.g. libc6-dbg:i386).
valgrind:  Cannot continue -- exiting now.  Sorry.

I see:


$ pacman -Q glibc valgrind 
glibc 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2
valgrind 3.24.0-1

I also looked at Branch compare for Manjaro and it should be stable. But it doesn’t work…

Thanks in advance.

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You probably need to look at:

Debugging/Getting traces - ArchWiki

Debuginfod - ArchWiki

Arch and Manjaro stable are different - not sure whether this will work.

I am no a low level coder so I cannot advise - however I compared the versions - and it appears there is a newer verson of glibc with Arch and Manjaro unstable

 $ mbn info valgrind -q | grep -e 'Branch' -e 'Version'
Branch         : archlinux
Version        : 3.24.0-1
Branch         : unstable
Version        : 3.24.0-1
Branch         : testing
Version        : 3.24.0-1
Branch         : stable
Version        : 3.24.0-1

 $ mbn info glibc -q | grep -e 'Branch' -e 'Version'
Branch         : archlinux
Version        : 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
Branch         : unstable
Version        : 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
Branch         : testing
Version        : 2.40+r66+g7d4b6bcae91f-1
Branch         : stable
Version        : 2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2

package: manjaro-check-repos (remember mbn update)

I just ran into the same problem.
I distinctly remember using Valgrind successfully in the past. (Also on the stable Manjaro branch)
Will it be automatically fixed in a system update soon? Luckily, I don’t need it asap.

It’ll likely start working once the stable branch has the same version as Arch Linux, or when Manjaro deploys a debuginfo server.
