Hi everyone,
can I somehow force Gnome/ Qt to use the Breeze theme from KDE for Qt (5/6) applications on my Gnome desktop?
The reason why I’m asking is that Okular, my PDF reader, looks really weird on my Gnome Desktop.
I wasn’t able to find any good Kvantum themes that could mimik the real Breeze theme and I don’t want to use the standard Adwaita theme in Qt5CT doesn’t look as good as Breeze.
Gnome (note especially those Icons in the top left corner, they are way too bright)
Thanks for the hint.
I already tried to set it to Qt5CT, but I wasn’t able to find the Breeze theme but then I realized that I have to install the “Breeze” package before.
Now, the style and the icon theme does indeed appear and after I activated it, Okular looks like on my KDE desktop
I have already tried a few Kwantum themes, but none of them looked good in all apps.
Good to know that you can overwrite the theme per application, but the Breeze theme seems to work for most apps, so I will stick with this.