USB plug in and out notifications question

What I want to achieve:
Plug in a device → I get a notification
(considering adding ttyUSB port number to this notification if I can somehow)

  1. Should manjaro work with the xfce notifications in current release?
  2. IF yes, what are the next steps to check and debug this?
    Notifications missing when removable media is unmounted / Desktop / Xfce Forums seems somewhat related?? but that was ages ago for xfce

Any support welcome! Thank you!

Mine works with a vague message that the volume was mounted. I have no idea how to modify or even if this is what you are looking for (xfce, Unstable).

good morning
It is possible that you have disabled notifications in notifications

also see the devices mounted on the desktop

or even, none of this will be necessary if thunar is told to mount removables automatically, de esta forma:

Check Settings > Removable Drives and Media (thunar-volman-settings)
Enable option for: Mount removable drives when hot-plugged

Thank you all / Muchas Gracias!

I am now able to get notifications for USB keys and external HDDs. The thunar-volman-settings options were disabled.
Is there a way to get notification on new devices - ex when connecting a CP2102 USB-2-Serial?
I guess I am looking for a behavior similar to what one would get in windows where you have the beep beep plugging in and beep bop plugging out

For audio notifications:

  1. Install libcanberra

  2. Enable Event Sounds in Settings → Appearance → Settings tab

  3. Set SoundThemeName in Settings → Settings Editor → xsettings → Net
    to a sound theme located in /usr/share/sounds or ~/.local/share/sounds/

  4. Turn up System Sounds in Pulseaudio Volume Control (pavucontrol)

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