Hello everyone,
The two programs USB image creation and USB formatter are installed in Manjaro Cinnamon. Unfortunately both applications do not start. I open this from the Manjaro menu. In Plank, the application icon pops up, but it doesn’t open itself. What can I do about that? I’ve already reinstalled USB imaging, but no solution.
I don’t know about Cinnamon, but start the programs from the command line and see what errors come up. Paste those errors into your browser and maybe you can find a solution. This is basic troubleshooting 101.
It’s fixed with minstick
1.6.0-2 coming along shortly.
mintstick -m iso
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/mintstick/mintstick.py", line 3, in <module>
from unidecode import unidecode
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'unidecode'
I have still mintstick 1.6.0-1. I don´t want to wait.
The older program writes your iso’s to the stick just as well as the newer one. ^^
… you should use Ventoy always anyway - IMO
Then install the missing dependency while you wait:
sudo pacman -S --asdeps python-unidecode
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Ha, I knew there were specialists here in the forum! It works now
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