I’m using Manjaro i3. The default terminal urxvdt changes the colors somehow. For example, I wrote a program in GO that uses tint ( tint package - github.com/lmittmann/tint - Go Packages ) to display log messages in color. The default ANSI colors are changed somehow.
Here is an example, showing that how it is supposed to look:
And here is how it looks in urxvtd:
Info message should be green but it is gray. Warning should be bright yellow, but it is pale yellow. Field names like “service=” should be gray, but they are white etc.
It is not just tint. It alters the color of many other programs.
It would be fine if it only altered the colors sightly. But sometimes the colors are completely wrong, for example the bright green color of INF is changed to light gray, which is unacceptable.
How can I reset the colors (at least the standard 16 ANSI colors) back to their defaults?
The terminal colors is an opinionated feature of the Manjaro i3.
As I recall the terminal colors is set very low level using a system package and a service.
I may be mistaken - but I think what you are looking for is [Packages / extra / maia-console · GitLab]
Would it be a solution to reinstall the official manjaro gnome distro, and the install i3 manually?
Remove the package
sudo pacman -R maia-console
It may be installed as a dependency so you may need to skip dependency check using the -d argument (or -dd if really necessary)
sudo pacman -Rd maia-console
I have removed maia-console and rebooted, but it did not change anything.
~/.Xresources and/or ~/.Xdefaults ??
~/.Xresource contains things like this:
!! green dark/light
*color2: #7E807E
*color10: #8D8F8D
!! yellow dark/light
*color3: #f7ca88
*color11: #f7ca88
!! blue dark/light
*color4: #7cafc2
*color12: #7cafc2
I guess, this is what I need to delete? But then, should I reinstall maia-console ? I’m not sure what it does.
This solved the problem, put into ~/.Xresources
*color0: #252525
*color8: #363636
*color1: #7D3022
*color9: #A43B27
*color2: #727F36
*color10: #8C9A4A
*color3: #916727
*color11: #BB883A
*color4: #234C8B
*color12: #386FC5
*color5: #6C2940
*color13: #893A55
*color6: #334359
*color14: #4A5D74
*color7: #8f8f8f
*color15: #afafaf
They are not the original 100% RGB colors (e.g. red is not FF0000). The original 100% intensity pure colors like FF0000 or 00FF00 look too bright on my OLED screen. These are softer, but they are very close (e.g. yellow looks yellow, and not grey.)
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