Dear All,
Helping my early teenage son to update manjaro. Last update was a year ago (Oct 2023). Not too bad, but do not quite know how to get around this.
installing mutter (46.5-1) breaks dependency '' required by gnome-shell-maia
If I try to uninstall gnome-shell-maia it breaks the whole gnome-shell dependency. It would be great to find a solution that does not require a complete reinstall.
Beginning looks very promising. It got to the error installing mutter (46.5-1) breaks dependency '' required by gnome-shell-maia and proceeded by listing a whole lot of packages it wants to update and including what it wants to remove such as: manjaro-gdm-branding 20221120-1 (Conflicts With: manjaro-gnome-settings). Because of very slow connection the update is going to take some 8 hours so I will update a bit later on. The only possible hitch could be if it regularly needs to re-do sudo authentication. We will see, thanks for the script.
Thanks @pux, this helped - the script could not exit gracefully after most stuff was updated. It wanted to install quite a lot of perl stuff and some of it was impossible. But this is after it was able to remove and install the main system stuff. pacman -suyy now sees all is up to date. Also I needed to reinstall nvidia-video as for whatever reason the graphics were not working for the quite old card. But once I removed and added again with mhwd it was all fine. Maybe some problems are related to the fact this is bash script, but I run it from zsh. In hindsight not the wisest thing, but it worked well, just wanted to let you know.
This is no issue, as the script uses Bash in the Shebang. So I guess the issues were related to the fact that this system has not seen any updates in a year, which is very problematic for a Arch based rolling distro.
However, Iām glad it helped to solve your update issues.