Upgrade conflict - mutter

Dear All,
Helping my early teenage son to update manjaro. Last update was a year ago (Oct 2023). Not too bad, but do not quite know how to get around this.

installing mutter (46.5-1) breaks dependency 'libmutter-12.so=0-64' required by gnome-shell-maia

If I try to uninstall gnome-shell-maia it breaks the whole gnome-shell dependency. It would be great to find a solution that does not require a complete reinstall.

Many thanks,

Hi, you could try my update/maintain script, which should be able to resolve the issues.

Beginning looks very promising. It got to the error installing mutter (46.5-1) breaks dependency 'libmutter-12.so=0-64' required by gnome-shell-maia and proceeded by listing a whole lot of packages it wants to update and including what it wants to remove such as: manjaro-gdm-branding 20221120-1 (Conflicts With: manjaro-gnome-settings). Because of very slow connection the update is going to take some 8 hours so I will update a bit later on. The only possible hitch could be if it regularly needs to re-do sudo authentication. We will see, thanks for the script.

iirc the package manjaro-gdm-branding is deprecated so this is as expected.

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Thanks @pux, this helped - the script could not exit gracefully after most stuff was updated. It wanted to install quite a lot of perl stuff and some of it was impossible. But this is after it was able to remove and install the main system stuff. pacman -suyy now sees all is up to date. Also I needed to reinstall nvidia-video as for whatever reason the graphics were not working for the quite old card. But once I removed and added again with mhwd it was all fine. Maybe some problems are related to the fact this is bash script, but I run it from zsh. In hindsight not the wisest thing, but it worked well, just wanted to let you know.

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This is no issue, as the script uses Bash in the Shebang. So I guess the issues were related to the fact that this system has not seen any updates in a year, which is very problematic for a Arch based rolling distro.

However, Iā€™m glad it helped to solve your update issues.

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