Updating systemd to 257-1 resulted in no internet connection

Updateting systemd to 257-1 resulted in no internet connection after reboot (with openresolv installed before).

Pinging local DNS server still worked including opening local DNS server (router) via IP address in browser, but not with name address. The update enabled systemd-resolved.service even there is openresolv installed. The package systemd-resolvconf is not installed on my system.

So, if you have openresolv ( and no systemd-resolvconf) installed and you see this:

systemctl status systemd-resolved                                                      ✔
● systemd-resolved.service - Network Name Resolution
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-resolved.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-12-19 09:41:17 WAT; 7h ago

Then you need to disable this service

systemctl disable --now systemd-resolved

and restart network manager

systemctl restart NetworkManager

With that, my system connected to internet again.

EDIT: and no systemd-resolvconf

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Since you’re using NetworkManager, there’s no reason to use openresolv or systemd-resolvconf unless you want to manually configure one of the latter. Only one can be used at a time.


Note that I moved your reply to it’s own Network topic.


For some extra clarity …

systemd-resolved is part of systemd.
systemd-resolvconf is an extra package intended to provide ‘resolvconf’ backwards compatibility when using systemd-resolved.

As mentioned above NetworkManager technically does not need an extra DNS resolver and can do so on its own. I will also mention systemd-resolved is a cached resolver, so repeat lookups are more speedy even if not using something like dnsmasq.


Openresolv was installed as dependency of wireguird, a gui to enable/disable a wireguard connections for wireguard-tools. I use wireguard to connect to my personal VPN (Fritz box).
Wireguird makes it more comfortable to start a wireguard connection instead of terminal sudo wg-quick up OR down.
There might be another gui that is not based on openresolv, just I haven’t found one yet ( at least not based on openresolv). There is a nice gnome extension that would do it but that doesn’t help with my KDE system.

I don’t have systemd-resolvconf installed, I meant systemd-resolved. I have edited my first post accordingly.

NetworkManager supports Wireguard connections. It is as comfortable as switching between Wifis or Ethernet connections. It is accessible via the default tools for NM for your Desktop Environment.