Updating nvidia drivers causes computer to not boot

When updating nvidia drivers, manjaro package manager wants to uninstall linux69-drivers.

If I choose to continue, when I restart my computer, it fails to starts (journalctl says that it can’t find various nvidia modules such as nvidia-uvm)

Is there something I can do ?

I am on a fresh manjaro installation I installed today, and I use KDE Plasma

Kernel 6.9 is EOL . now you need to deal with it.


Okay thank you, I will see what I can do.

I just want to point out I am on a fresh installation on manjaro download today.
Did I do something wrong or manjaro just provides a EOL kernel ?

It got dropped just today, a bit unlucky for you

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For whatever reason providing LTS kernels was decided against. And with no recent release … it so happens that the latest stable image includes a what is now EOL kernel.
The development, and ostensibly next release, would no longer contain 6.9


(I assume a new release will happen shortly, but thats only because it would make sense.)

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I followed the step by step guide by @CapObviopus however, now it seems my computer won’t boot (with the linux 6.6 kernel selected in grub). What can I do ?

Maybe you need a newer kernel?

Try linux610 for example.

Also … as I stated there, its probably a good idea to reinstall whatever driver profile you were using.


sudo mhwd -f -i pci video-nvidia
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Can I do that from manjaro-chroot ?

You could.
But you might also be able to just boot into runlevel 3.

If your boot seems to be stuck on that screen and storage usage LED isn’t on, you can just reboot your PC. I had such issue before once and that’s how it was solved

When installing linux610-nvidia from manjaro-chroot -a, I get the following error :

==> Initcpio image generation successful

(4/4) Refreshing Package kit…

Error connecting: Could not connect: No such file or directory
error: command failed to execute correctly

What could it be ?

Please use something like the following to share output if needed:

I assume there is more? This does not mean much on its own.

But I will note that

No one should have packagekit installed.

Here is the logs : https://0x0.st/XgEs.txt

I don’t know what PackageKit is, but I have never intentionally installed this

I don’t know what I did exactly, but I removed the linux66 kernel and redid several command, and now it boots with linux610 !


You can remove all packagekit with something like

sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qsq packagekit)
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