Updates fail: Dependency Resolution Failed

Dependency resolution failed:

kcoreaddons <- kdav2, kcoreaddons <- kimap2, ki18n <- kirigami-addons, kcontacts <- kpeoplesink, kpeople <- kpeoplesink, kcontacts <- sink, kcalendarcore <- sink: could not satisfy dependencies

There are several other issues but this first.

Is it formatted like that or is it a product of pasting here?

And what exactly produces it?

Pamac GUI?

pacman -Syu ?

I will mention that they seem to be missing from the Stable repos …
ex: https://manjaristas.org/branch_compare?q=kirigami&arm=on

Product of pasting from phone.

I’m actually running pacman at the moment. I thought of that after checking info about phone and confirmed it s actually manjaro-arm

The error itself is produced by Discover, I don’t see Pamac on the phone.

Which means you are using packagekit?
I would stop doing that immediately.

Its a security risk besides simply being buggy.


OK, I wasn’t aware of that, just assumed it was because the OS was something other than Manjaro, but running KDE. So no problem

I’m just at a point now where pacman asking a lot of replace with questions

how do i copy text from the terminal on the phone

Not sure of the interface.

But if its helpful you could use a paste service

The Bash Terminal on the PinePhone.

I can select the text, but can’t copy it to the Clipboard, so I can’t Paste it anywhere.

That means the package has been replaced in the repos with another package, and you should answer Yes to the replace questions.

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Thanks. I’ve been through that exercise 3 times now, and the update still fails. But because I can’t paste the error message into the Forum, from the Terminal, I can’t update this thread with the Error message.

Now the phone battery has gone flat while plugged in, and supposedly charging.

Excuses, excuses. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Actually, it was a product of Copy as HTML instead of Copy and then adding Markdown formatting to HTML. :wink:

FIFY (sorta mostly). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well that clarifies the problem. It was what Discover gave me as THE only option for copying to the Clipboard.

Unfortunately that doesn’t help me copy/paste text from the Terminal, so I can post the error messages that Pacman is telling me are present.

Ah, strange.

Either way, for anyone using Manjaro ARM on any device, I highly recommend switching to the unstable branch.

Finally I noticed the 3 dots on the RH top of the Terminal

Enter a number (default=1): looking for conflicting packages...
warning: removing 'libgpiod' from target list because it conflicts with 'libgpiod1'
:: kitemmodels5 and kitemmodels are in conflict. Remove kitemmodels? [y/N] error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: kitemmodels5 and kitemmodels are in conflict (kitemmodels<5.111)

Pardon. Isn’t this the official Manjaro OS for the PinePhone. Will the Unstable Branch make the Install more Stable?

BTW, I get the same error message if I say No to replacing kitemmodels with kitemmodels5

Also why would Discover be included in the Install?

Switched to Unstable, now get the following error.

looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing networkmanager-qt breaks dependency 'networkmanager-qt' required by plasma-mobile-nm

This package is no longer present in the Testing or Unstable repos.
I might think this is intentional deprecation.


Regadless ’ networkmanager-qt5 it is offered on stable and unstable as a replacement for ’ networkmanager-qt If I choose Yes, I get the errors above

If I choose no I get even more errors. Still trying copy/ paste them, but I keep dropping the select when I attempt to scroll the Terminal . I given up fro the moment, because it’s really frustrating.

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I mean plasma-mobile-nm is no longer in the repos.
You should always answer ‘yes’ to replacements,

The question then is how to fix what ever the issue is, because it’s there in both Stable and unstable and networkmanager-qt5 won't replace 'networkmanager-qt' so long as 'networkmanager-qt' is required by 'plasma-mobile-nm

I’ve tried to remove 'plasma-mobile-nm` but pacman says (I’m reading this from the phone) “error: ‘plasma-mobile-nm’: could not find or read package”

I’ve already tried

sudo pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)


sudo pacman -Syyu --nodeps networkmanager-qt

gets us to a point where the install is attempted, in other words we get past the dependency check.

but after agreeing to install, we get so many errors I can’t copy/Paste them. from the phone.