Update systemd-boot loader entries


I am using systemd-boot as efi boot loader, I recently upgraded kernel from 5.15 to 6.6 and found out that boot loader entries at /boot/loader/entries are not automatically generated.

I settled with kernel-install and pacman-hook-kernel-install to do the job, but it does required to shortcircuit mkinicpio which I am not a fan of.

Any other solution I can use to generate systemd-boot entries and keep using mkinitcpio as usual to generate initramfs images ?

My environment:

# uname -a
Linux x1 6.6.65-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Dec 11 22:24:04 UTC 2024 x86_64 GNU/Linux
# systemctl --version
systemd 256 (256.8-2-manjaro)

Install systemd-boot-manager - this package provides pacman hooks for systemd-boot & Manjaro :wink:

This is a fairly outdated solution (build date: 28 avril 2022) and it did generate entries that were not able to boot due to incorrect rd.luks-name kernel parameter.

Are you sure? According to code it should be rd.luks.name and according to Arch Wiki it’s perfectly valid. Maybe you have some non standard setup?