Update system Error 404

I’m having these issues on updating my system.
I already read the Announcements thread.

[jesuslinux@T2310 ~]$ sudo pacman -Syyu
[sudo] password for jesuslinux: 
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core                                           145,4 KiB   713 KiB/s 00:00 [###########################################] 100%
 extra                                            8,6 MiB  8,22 MiB/s 00:01 [###########################################] 100%
 community                                       29,0   B   376   B/s 00:00 [###########################################] 100%
 multilib                                       143,6 KiB  1795 KiB/s 00:00 [###########################################] 100%
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace onevpl with extra/libvpl? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies...
:: There are 2 providers available for dbus-units:
:: Repository core
   1) dbus-broker-units  2) dbus-daemon-units

Enter a number (default=1): 1
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (122) at-spi2-core-2.50.1-1  autoconf-2.72-1  avahi-1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-1  cpupower-6.7-1  dbus-1.14.10-2
               dbus-broker-35-2  dbus-broker-units-35-2  enchant-2.6.5-1  ffmpeg-2:6.1.1-1  filesystem-2023.12.21-1
               firefox-121.0.1-1  firefox-i18n-en-us-121.0.1-1  firefox-i18n-pt-pt-121.0.1-1  fmt-10.2.0-1
               fontconfig-2:2.15.0-2  gperftools-2.15-1  gst-libav-1.22.8-2  gst-plugins-bad-1.22.8-2
               gst-plugins-bad-libs-1.22.8-2  gst-plugins-base-1.22.8-2  gst-plugins-base-libs-1.22.8-2
               gst-plugins-good-1.22.8-2  gst-plugins-ugly-1.22.8-2  gstreamer-1.22.8-2  gtk-layer-shell-0.8.2-1
               gvfs-1.52.2-1  gvfs-afc-1.52.2-1  gvfs-gphoto2-1.52.2-1  gvfs-mtp-1.52.2-1  gvfs-nfs-1.52.2-1
               gvfs-smb-1.52.2-1  hwdata-0.378-1  imagemagick-  inetutils-2.5-1  iproute2-6.7.0-1
               kdeconnect-23.08.4-2  lib32-at-spi2-core-2.50.1-1  lib32-dbus-1.14.10-2  lib32-libva-mesa-driver-1:23.3.3-1
               lib32-mesa-1:23.3.3-1  lib32-mesa-vdpau-1:23.3.3-1  lib32-systemd-255.2-1  lib32-vulkan-intel-1:23.3.3-1
               lib32-vulkan-radeon-1:23.3.3-1  lib32-xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1-1  libbsd-0.11.8-1  libcap-ng-0.8.4-1
               libexttextcat-3.4.7-1  libfdk-aac-2.0.3-1  libplacebo-6.338.1-1  libsidplayfp-2.6.0-1  libsixel-1.10.3-5
               libssh-0.10.6-2  libva-mesa-driver-1:23.3.3-1  libvpl-2.10.1-1  libwbclient-4.19.4-1  libxmlb-0.3.15-1
               linux510-5.10.206-1  linux515-5.15.146-1  linux61-6.1.71-1  lz4-1:1.9.4-2  manjaro-hotfixes-2024.1-2
               manjaro-release-23.1.3-1  manjaro-settings-manager-0.5.7-21  manjaro-settings-manager-notifier-0.5.7-21
               memtest86+-7.00-1  mesa-1:23.3.3-1  mesa-vdpau-1:23.3.3-1  mhwd-nvidia-545.29.06-2  mkinitcpio-37.2-1.6
               mpv-1:0.37.0-1  ndctl-77-1  net-snmp-5.9.1-9  netpbm-10.86.40-1  noto-fonts-1:24.1.1-1  oath-toolkit-2.6.10-1
               onevpl-2023.4.0-1 [removal]  pacman-6.0.2-16  pixman-0.43.0-1  poppler-24.01.0-1  poppler-glib-24.01.0-1
               poppler-qt5-24.01.0-1  ppp-2.5.0-3  pulseaudio-qt-1.4.0-1  python-jaraco.text-3.12.0-1  python-pillow-10.2.0-1
               python-psutil-5.9.7-1  python-pydantic-2.5.3-1  python-pydantic-core-1:2.14.6-1  python-simplejson-3.19.2-2
               python-trove-classifiers-2024.1.8-1  qca-qt5-2.3.8-1  qt5-base-5.15.12+kde+r147-1  qt5-charts-5.15.12-1
               qt5-declarative-5.15.12+kde+r31-1  qt5-graphicaleffects-5.15.12-1  qt5-imageformats-5.15.12+kde+r10-1
               qt5-multimedia-5.15.12+kde+r2-1  qt5-quickcontrols-5.15.12-1  qt5-quickcontrols2-5.15.12+kde+r5-1
               qt5-speech-5.15.12+kde+r1-1  qt5-svg-5.15.12+kde+r6-1  qt5-translations-5.15.12-1
               qt5-wayland-5.15.12+kde+r61-1  qt5-x11extras-5.15.12-1  samba-4.19.4-1  smbclient-4.19.4-1  sudo-1.9.15.p5-1
               suitesparse-7.4.0-1  systemd-255.2-2  systemd-libs-255.2-2  systemd-sysvcompat-255.2-2  thunderbird-115.6.1-1
               thunderbird-i18n-en-us-115.6.1-1  thunderbird-i18n-pt-pt-115.6.1-1  timeshift-24.01.1-1
               ttf-dejavu-2.37+18+g9b5d1b2f-6  vapoursynth-R65-1  vulkan-intel-1:23.3.3-1  vulkan-radeon-1:23.3.3-1
               xapp-2.8.2-1  zenity-4.0.1-1

Total Download Size:     66,31 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1889,09 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        27,60 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 firefox-121.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst failed to download
 Total (1/4)                                     66,3 MiB   626 MiB/s 00:00 [###########################################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'firefox-121.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst' from mirrors.manjaro.org : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: failed to retrieve some files
error: failed to commit transaction (failed to retrieve some files)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Any help would be appreciated.
This is my old laptop I fully updated a month ago.

Thank you

According to https://repo.manjaro.org/, mirrors.manjaro.org looks to be a little flaky right now, and has not updated. The current version of firefox is 122.0-1, for example. Refresh your mirror list and/or manually select a different mirror.

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I had the mirrors set to Global and now changed to United States and the update went through.
Any reason for this?
Where are the Global mirrors set?
I’m curious…

I’m in Portugal/Europe

You may also want to engage in some proper maintenance. You obviously have some unattended .pacnew files, given that your /etc/pacman.conf still has the Community repo in it, which was dropped about 8 months ago already.

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How do I do that?

Try using a search engine.

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PacNew & PacSave - Arch Wiki

Wrong usage there too. First of all, you should use only oney” — i.e. -Syu. Never use commands or command options that you do not understand. Read the man page. :point_down:

man pacman

Secondly, the safest way of updating your system is to always refresh your mirrors first. :point_down:

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syu
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Always thought sudo pacman -Syyu was the classic way of updating.

Nope. Read the manual, and the Wiki pages. :wink:

Have a look here: https://repo.manjaro.org/

I’m reading this:

And this:


How do I know what to remove?

I did that yesterday.
Changed the mirror from Global to USA and the update went through.

I would use a mirror in Europe: France, Spain or Germany.

According to the link you posted, USA has the most up to date mirrors in the World.

Mirrors are either synced or not. There is no such thing as most up to date. You don’t need 50 mirrors. 3 or so are more than enough.

You compare them side by side and you adapt your existing configuration files while maintaining common sense. Afterwards, you can remove the .pacnew files.

Personally I prefer pacnew-chaser from the AUR.

True. The fcix.net mirrors are the quickest to update, and they’re also pretty fast in terms of bandwidth.

Isn’t there a command to do that?
I’m afraid to mess up.
I don’t feel confident to do that…

How would a command know which settings in your local configuration files to keep and which to replace? You may have reasons for having certain configuration options enabled or disabled on your system.

Most of the time however, the .pacnew only contains additional comments, and/or improves upon existing comments. So in those cases, you simply copy over the new comments to your existing configuration files. On account of everything else, read the documentation, consult the Wiki, or ask for help here at the forum (if it hasn’t already been addressed).

Lastly, please read through the following short essay… :point_down:

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Here are some common sense basic suggestions when examining a pacnew file:

You might as well read that whole thread, and yes, you should consider if Manjaro is right for you or not. It does require some maintenance, though it’s not really difficult once you have more experience of your system and work our your own upgrade routine.

So, I’m trying to learn to use pacnew-chaser and meld.
I get confused about what to do.
The following output is from my second laptop with Manjaro XFCE (not the original laptop from this thread):

[jesuslinux@A9410 ~]$ pacdiff -o 
[jesuslinux@A9410 ~]$ meld /etc/systemd/journald.conf /etc/systemd/journald.conf.pacnew

IN this case the original file is set to 50M that I did.
So this pacnew can safely be deleted?

Pacnew chaser only shows.pacnew files present in the OS right?
Everything else has to be done in meld?