Update requests for packages imported from Arch Linux

move to good subject : mlt is not a manjaro package !
wait archlinux rebuid, we have same version arch/manjaro stable

Possible to import gitea to Manjaro repos?

Wasnā€™t updating a long timeā€¦

# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <archange@archlinux.org>
# Maintainer: Maxime Gauduin <alucryd@archlinux.org>
# Contributor: Frederik Schwan <frederik dot schwan at linux dot com>

pkgdesc="Painless self-hosted Git service."
makedepends=(go nodejs npm git)
  'mariadb: MariaDB support'
  'memcached: MemCached support'
  'openssh: GIT over SSH support'
  'pam: Authentication via PAM support'
  'postgresql: PostgreSQL support'
  'redis: Redis support'
  'sqlite: SQLite support'
  8C4033A23895237CB27D52D9D9B5613BEB813F99  # Matti Ranta <matti@mdranta.net> old RSA2048, retrieved from https://github.com/techknowlogick.gpg
  B56E3C7437A49E136862F5DE9D8A57ADAA232E95  # Matti Ranta <matti@mdranta.net> new RSA4096, retrieved from https://github.com/techknowlogick.gpg
  ED810FD31FBE67F406ED71BDD4F1E9B6493ED946  # Jonas Franz <info@jonasfranz.software>
  9C5BCD799B3CDB124147A748E0DDFEC24C48784C  # Lauris BukŔis-Haberkorns <lauris@nix.lv>
  D8F9672D77C0BB60A024C23EDFDE60A0093EB926  # Lauris BukŔis-Haberkorns <lauris@nix.lv> new RSA4096
  BA66F67FD73F7058D712D308C3B7C91B632F738A  # Lunny Xiao <xiaolunwen@gmail.com>, retrieved from https://github.com/lunny.gpg
  B5F0915813554C32C1D599C2C99B82E40B027BAE  # '6543' <6543@obermui.de>

prepare() {
  cd ${pkgname}
  # Change some defaults for ArchLinux
  patch -Np1 -i ../gitea-arch-defaults.patch
  # Fetch dependency using go mod
  make vendor

pkgver() {
  cd ${pkgname}
  git describe --tags | sed 's/^v//'

build() {
  cd ${pkgname}
  export CGO_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
  export EXTRA_GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie -trimpath -mod=readonly -modcacherw"
  export LDFLAGS="-X 'code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting.AppWorkPath=/var/lib/gitea/'"
  export TAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify pam"
  make -j1

package() {
  install -Dm755 ${pkgname}/${pkgname} -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/
  install -Dm644 ${pkgname}/LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
  install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.service -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/
  install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.tmpfiles "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${pkgname}.conf
  install -Dm644 ${pkgname}.sysusers "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/sysusers.d/${pkgname}.conf
  install -D ${pkgname}/custom/conf/app.example.ini "${pkgdir}"/etc/gitea/app.ini

discord has another update again too


discord 0.0.15 has been pushed to all branches.

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Looking for Firefox 89.0 update. Arch package has been update to 89 already.

It will trickle down just like every other Arch package. If it builds for testing and stable, youā€™ll see it a little sooner.

Iā€™m not sure if this is the right place, but Linuxsampler package is outdate in the Manjaro community repository. Any help?

Itā€™s at 2.2.0 in unstable which seems to be the latest version:

It will trickle down to testing and stable eventually.

Package avldrums.lv2 is outdated.

No, itā€™s not. 0.4.2 is the latest version.

The qbittorrent package needs to be updated to 4.3.5-1 ( the current latest in arch repos). It is currently at 4.3.3 which was released in Jan 2021. Please update it @philm

Already on its way.

thanks! I didnā€™t knew about that website or even this thread.

It was in the first message of the thread though.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Update requests for packages built by Manjaro developers

Shutter is a quite popular screenshot tool and has recently made the jump to the official Arch repositories. During this process, its AUR package and those of its dependencies have been deleted from the AUR. We got a bug report upstream that Manjaro users arenā€™t able to install Shutter currently: Shutter package is not available in AUR for now Ā· Issue #358 Ā· shutter-project/shutter Ā· GitHub Would it be possible to accelerate the import of Shutter and its dependencies? Package names: shutter, perl-goocanvas2-cairotypes and perl-json-maybexs. Thanks!

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Shutter is currently available in the unstable and testing branches. It will be along in the next stable update.

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Great, thanks!

Is this the right place to request for python-* package updates? I see that python-pipx v0.16.3 was released on 29th May, and the Arch community package was updated on June 23, but this hasnā€™t made it to Manjaro repos yet.


Hello! Please always check the above site. python-pipx is in testing branch currently.