Update requests for packages imported from Arch Linux

I’ve updated it to build -2 in unstable.
Please test it and give me a feedback.

Wow that was fast!

It works. Thank you very much!

Vivaldi is in Arch [community] repo now, and is likely to be removed from AUR soon. It would be nice if it can be added to Manjaro repo. :innocent:

It already is in the Manjaro repos, currently only unstable:

It will be along to other branches soon™:

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There will be an awkward period where Vivaldi won’t be available anywhere though. If there is many requests for Vivaldi, perhaps the team could consider pushing it into other branches earlier.

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[Edit: Thank you to Yochanan for moving my post here]

The matrix-synapse package is much further ahead on Arch at this point, and it just came up in the Synapse support channel that someone was unable to join a room because of their homeserver being too out of date. It’d be really cool if this package could be brought up to 1.21.2-1 or 1.22.1-1 (from 1.11.0-1). Cheers!

matrix-synapse 1.21.2-1 is in all branches. Are you up to date?

Odd, the user definitely has v1.11, and I confirmed Manjaro’s version here (I assumed that’s always up-to-date), which is what lead me to make the post… However in Pamac I do see v1.21.2-1, so I’m not sure why there’s a discrepancy there. I guess the package is already updated (thanks!).

I am curious though, is that online listing just outdated, or is it tied to a mirror that isn’t updating (the same as the user with the issue)? I’ll prompt them to update (I assumed they did, but we’ll see).

Yes. Discover is still a work in progress. I’m not sure how and when the database is scraped. If you want to ask more questions about Discover itself, I suggest creating a new topic in Feedback and maybe @codesardine can give you more details.


Please fix official manjaro zerotier-one v 1.5.0-1…
there is a bug that causes it to crash when using old (still-very-used) intel cpus (I’ve already ran into the issue and fortunately fixed by compiling the dev branch of their git repo).

Arch had to repair their package also… see FS#68177 of bugs.archlinux

however Manjaro still has the broken package.

As far as I can see, Manjaro does not maintain zerotier-one. But you could be hit by the “Manjaro branches issue”: Manjaro Features

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gPodder (Podcast Client) got updated to 3.10.17.
Link Here To GitHub Releases
Current Version from the official repositories is 3.10.16

gpodder is imported from Arch, not built by Manjaro. I flagged it out of date for you.

Ohh. My bad. Still very new to Manjaro and Linux in general. Will make sure to double check where it’s built from and act on that accordingly. Thank you!

discord just updated to .13 version, needs an update to stable branch ASAP, otherwise unusable without root config file editing or manually overwriting from a new tarball


discord 0.0.13-0 overlay is pushed to all branches.


Thank you very much for the quick intervention.

You’re welcome. We may not continue to provide the overlay, however. Arch updated the Discord wiki page today suggesting a workaround. Also, Discord is available as a Flatpak.

Suggesting this workaround would be ridiculous, it it like saying “if we are slacking off a bit too much, just do this and you will be fine meanwhile.” It looks more like an excuse for not putting commitment in the maintenance of the package than anything else, a quick answer for eventual complains. Hopefully I am wrong on this one.

Sure, but if it is on the official repositories of the distro, people will expect the distro to do the maintenance properly.

I have ran into an issue with Rapid Photo Downloader being unable to scan SD cards. I reported the issue to the RPD team here: Bug #1907943 “Device scan failed with pymediainfo 5.02” : Bugs : Rapid Photo Downloader

The dev informed me that it is due to the current version of pymediainfo and suggested I report to Manjaro devs that pymediainfo be updated to 5.0.3 as soon as possible.