Update Kernel & Remove older Kernel = Panic at boot LUKS password prompt

Running KDE Plasma variant here since January 2023.
Updates have been okay.
Today ran updates, then got popup that I had an older non-supported kernel.
I went into Kernels, installed recent 6.4 and removed older kernel.
Now when I boot, instead of getting my ususal LUKS password prompt for my boot partition, I am getting a flashing CAPS Lock key / kernel panic…

Am looking for guidance to boot and fix LUKS problem.
Then looking for a way to get the older kernel installed that LUKS can work with…

Currently I see only this when I power on:
/dev/nvme0n1p2: recovering journal
/dev/nvme0n1p2: clean, 572908/4161536 files, 11676676/16626432 blocks

I am not sure that the new kernel is your problem, but if it is, than just use live-usb, boot from there, chroot and install another kernel with mhwd-kernel.
The current lts kernel is linux61.
(mhwd-kernel -i linux61)

Just a point of information …
I know the dialogue from msm-notifier is less than desirable … but you dont have any reason to be on the 6.4 kernel.
If you had an actual EOL kernel, such as 6.2 you might need to remove that … but it doesnt mean you need to use the absolute latest kernel.
You can see kernels and their projected lifetimes here: The Linux Kernel Archives - Releases
Also … its generally a bad idea to attempt removal of a running kernel.
You should:

  • A - Install whatever other kernel you like
  • B - Boot into another kernel
  • C - Remove undesired kernel

I was able to do this.

I found that I had to
sudo mhwd-kernel --remove linux64

sudo update-grub

then it rebooted to a linux 6.3 kernel that LUKS was okay with.

Thanks all for your guidance :slight_smile:

Manjaro tricked me again.

Pop up came up that I was running an unsupported kernel.

I went into kernel and selected the 6.4 RealTime kernel.


And sure enough - Kernel Panic
As the newer kernel is not compatible with LUKS.

This is terrible - does this mean the LUKS is not going to be supported in the future?

I can’t even remember how I fixed this from before…

I am down and am scrambling to find a solution.

Do not install realtime kernels without really needing one (if you don’t know the difference - you don’t need it).
Besides, kernel 6.4 is soon going to be EOL, so you can install the brand new 6.5 that just came out. Or just stay on LTS 6.1. Actually you should always have at least 2 kernels, one of which LTS if something goes wrong, for example with an update.


How do I know when it is safe to install a newer Kernel?
Currently I am running 6.1.92-1 but I noticed that 6.6.32-1 is LTS.

I have a 12th Gen Intel with newer hardware, and hope to be able to SOMEDAY use the laptop camera and thumbprint reader.

Is there a kernel compatibility chart for LUKS?

Its just about always safe to install a new kernel.

You can have multiple installed.

And its prudent to remove stale and deprecated ones.

But I generally find it a good idea to keep at least one known working LTS (6.1 in your case) plus whatever else I may be testing or using.

So you can simply install 6.6, and 6.9 while you are at it, and select your desired kernel at GRUB during boot.

Maybe after using those for some time you will feel comfortable removing 6.1, but you dont have to any time soon. 6.1 will be supported until about the end of 2026.

They are all equally capable.

So I am afraid to move to the next LTS kernel because of past experience with Kernel Panic when doing so.

Furthermore, even if I did progress to the newer LTS kernel

  • I keep forgetting and have to spend hours to figure out how to roll back…

You will have two installed and you can easily switch at boot time.