[Unstable Update] June 2024 Edition

Has anyone tried to install a 6.10-RC2 kernel with proprietary NVIDIA drivers? I want to understand the kernel modules cannot build for any driver or only on the test version 555.


So you want the panel to automatically make enough space for you to see multiple data?

That widget can reside within any panel and also within the desktop, so if you set your widget to show a chart with many sensors, then it’s wise to move it from panel to desktop and resize it enough to see all data.

I would be also really interested, i need to install 6.10 RC2 because of this commit ata: ahci: Do not apply Intel PCS quirk on Intel Alder Lake - kernel/git/libata/linux.git - libata development tree

Since several months none of my SATA devices are detected from 6.7, and this is apparently the fix for that (because of Alder Lake cpu)

I know there is no nvidia modules built for RC kernel and i have no integrated intel graphics (due to Intel F serie) so i must use nvidia modules/drivers anyhow.

What if if we install dkms nvidia driver ?

Well, my question concerned DKMS modules (it may not be entirely clear), at the moment, as a result, the build of the module ends with an error.
I created a topic on the NVIDIA forum with this question, we will see what will be answered there.

I think it’s better to create a dedicated thread also here in the appropriate section

I’d imagine that one line patch will very soon get back-ported to earlier kernels, but in the meantime you could build a patched 6.9 kernel yourself if you’re up for it. Just make sure you have some kind of recovery option before installing it, I take no responsibilty :stuck_out_tongue:

$ git clone https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/core/linux69.git
$ cd linux69
$ curl -o 9999-alder_lake_ahci.patch https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/libata/linux.git/patch/?id=9e2f46cd87473c70d01fcaf8a559809e6d18dd50
$ sha256sum 9999-alder_lake_ahci.patch

Edit PKGBUILD, add 9999-alder_lake_ahci.patch to the end of sources, and the sum to the end of sha256sums, then run makepkg (which will take a while depending on your system - around 25 minutes on my 5800X with 32GB ram and MAKEFLAGS="-j$(nproc)" in /etc/makepkg.conf).

And when it’s all done you should have the packages

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I do not think that there is a great sense in this, it is unlikely that someone, in addition to users of the unstable branch, are interesting to the RC kernel.
In any case, the user on the Nvidia forum shared a link to a patch that can fix the error, But unfortunately it involves the re -build of the kernel, which does not suit me

Hi, thank you for guiding me. I managed to generate the kernel.

Then, i installed it and force re-install nvidia drivers :

sudo pacman -U linux69-6.9.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst linux69-headers-6.9.3-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
sudo mhwd -f -i pci video-nvidia

But, i cannot boot my system, it cannot reach graphical target.

I have the following errors in dmesg

nvidia: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
nvidia: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel
nvidia: module license taints kernel.
BPF: [123924] TYPEDEF  
BPF: type_id=6
BPF: Invalid name
failed to validate module [nvidia] BTF: -22
BPF: [123924] TYPEDEF  
BPF: type_id=6
BPF: Invalid name
failed to validate module [nvidia] BTF: -22
BPF: [123924] TYPEDEF  
BPF: type_id=6
BPF: Invalid name
failed to validate module [nvidia] BTF: -22
BPF: [123924] TYPEDEF  
BPF: type_id=6
BPF: Invalid name
failed to validate module [nvidia] BTF: -22

Do you have an idea of my issue ?

I am on kernel 6.6 right now, and i have snapshots so i am not stucked.

Moderator edit: In the future, please use proper formatting: [HowTo] Post command output and file content as formatted text

Looks like something to do with kernel module signing? I’m afraid I don’t own any NVIDIA hardware myself and I don’t really know much about those drivers or exactly what mhwd does when installing them. Maybe someone who does can help further…

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Update to the version 555.52.04 solved the problem.

Beta drivers are not supported. I just updated the NVIDIA packages to 550.90.07 and it builds with 6.10-rc2 fine.

Notice the same answer is in the NVIDIA forum thread:

Yes, for ordinary users, but I answered my own question, which belonged to the beta version of the driver.

:information_source: :point_down:

Edited to reflect reverting changes

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11 posts were split to a new topic: Manjaro-Settings-Manager vs Plasma6

it solved for me too with 555 beta.

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GNOME users with AMD or Intel graphics: Please test Mesa 24.1.1 and report if you still are able to login to a Wayland session.

EDIT: Nevermind, the issue will be resolved with mutter 46.2-1.2 shortly.

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See my updated reply above :point_up:

Todays sync for 3 systems running Plasma on Wayland - no hidden surprises

  • Lenovo X13 AMD gen4
  • Thinkstation P620 / 7900 XTX
  • Tuxedo InfinitibookPro 14 gen.8

I’m not running the ‘Unstable’ but the ‘Stable’ branch, but I can confirm these error message appearing in my logs lately (only once per boot). They always appear in pairs.

Gdm: on_display_added: assertion 'GDM_IS_REMOTE_DISPLAY (display)' failed
Gdm: on_display_removed: assertion 'GDM_IS_REMOTE_DISPLAY (display)' failed

The latest upgrade (see below) for gdm didn’t fix these either.

… [ALPM] upgraded libgdm (46.2-1 -> 46.2-2)
… [ALPM] upgraded gdm (46.2-1 -> 46.2-2)

Anything we can do about these or should we just ignore these?

EDIT (12.06.24)

I’ve checked journalctl now and can confirm that these error message first appeared after updating gdm with [Stable Update] 2024-06-10 yesterday.

… [ALPM] upgraded libgdm (46.0-1 -> 46.2-1)
… [ALPM] upgraded gdm (46.0-1 -> 46.2-1)

:arrow_down: EDIT #2 (13.06.24) :arrow_down:

It looks like GdmRemoteDisplayFactory is the culprit. The issue has already been reported in Gitlab and according to a comment in the ArchLinux forums, it’ll be fixed with GDM 47 or I assume with the next minor update.


A post was split to a new topic: No gdm displaying , gdm try to display 3