[Unstable Update] 2023-05-21 - Repository changes

I removed the AMDGPU HDR patches, which might created some regressions. Also they target more the Steamdeck …

Just to wrap up this part of the thread, PipeWire 0.3.73, which was released yesterday and is already in the unstable extra repository, fixes this issue. I no longer get continuous pipewire-pulse crashes with pavucontrol running.

Booting to black screen with latest kernel 6.4 and 6.1

You may want to switch to testing branch, downgrade some packages and let me know.

Same happens on testing branch

15 posts were split to a new topic: Failed to sync AUR database

Getting steam crashing on start since todays updates. steam-runtime --reset didnt resolve it.
Logs here: https://controlc.com/69e25960

Same results on 6.4 and 6.3.

I am using Dracut and upgraded Kernel 6.4 but boot failed due to amdgpu in wrong time order at startup:

amdgpu 0000:0b:00.0: amdgpu: SMU: I'm not done with your previous command: SMN_C2PMSG_66:0x0000000D SMN_C2PMSG_82:0x00000000
amdgpu 0000:0b:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to retrieve enabled ppfeatures!
amdgpu 0000:0b:00.0: amdgpu: SMU: I'm not done with your previous command: SMN_C2PMSG_66:0x0000000D SMN_C2PMSG_82:0x00000000
amdgpu 0000:0b:00.0: amdgpu: Failed to retrieve enabled ppfeatures!
amdgpu 0000:0b:00.0: amdgpu: SMU: I'm not done with your previous command: SMN_C2PMSG_66:0x0000000D SMN_C2PMSG_82:0x00000000

How to fix this issue here:

I realized this post is better placed over there, so there it goes.

This current pamac mess breaks updating.

Since libpamac==11.5.5+1+g4dbc56a-1, it asks me via the polkit window for the password rather than the terminal.


$ pamac update --force-refresh
Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
Aktualisierung von core.db...                                                                             
Aktualisierung von extra.db...                                                                            
Datenbankdatei für core ist nicht vorhanden.                                                              
Datenbankdatei für extra ist nicht vorhanden.
Aktualisierung von core.files...                                                                          
Aktualisierung von extra.files...                                                                         
Refreshing AUR...                                                                                         
Cloning v86d build files...                                                                               
Generating v86d information...
Checking v86d dependencies...
cp: cannot create regular file '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/pamac_aur.db': Permission denied
Error: Failed to prepare transaction: target not found: v86d

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] N

Transaction cancelled.

I’m sorry for the German output, I’ve set LANGUAGE=C and LANG=C but it doesn’t take for all messages. I think it’s understandable enough, right?

The package v86d is from the repository but it wants to install the AUR version. It doesn’t matter which key I press, the response is always “Transaction cancelled”.

Neither pacman nor paru see any update.

Try downgrading to libpamac (11.5.4-2)

I think we have been seeing some examples of people who previous used sudo pamac having root permissions on directories that should not.
Maybe a solution is to remove them and run pamac upgrade --force-refresh again.

1 Like

Which directories are these? I’ve removed /var/tmp/pamac to start from scratch.

A pamac checkupdates --refresh-tmp-files-dbs tells me that the system is up-to-date except a few AUR packages that I know are marked out-of-date but didn’t receive an update yet.

$ LANGUAGE=C pamac checkupdates --refresh-tmp-files-dbs
Your system is up to date.

Out of Date:
bazelisk-bin            1.15.0-1       AUR
jdownloader2            latest-17      AUR
splatmoji-git           r92.b8d14b4-1  AUR

And it downloads the databases (but not AUR?)

$ tree /var/tmp/pamac
└── dbs
    ├── local -> /var/lib/pacman/local
    └── sync
        ├── core.db
        └── extra.db

4 directories, 2 files

(How does it know that the AUR packages are out-of-date if it didn’t download the AUR database?)


$ pamac update --aur
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: mithrial
Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
Datenbankdatei für core ist nicht vorhanden.
Datenbankdatei für extra ist nicht vorhanden.
Aktualisierung von core.db...                                                                                                                
Aktualisierung von extra.db...                                                                                                               
Nothing to do.                                                                                                                               
Transaction successfully finished.

But still, no AUR database.

$ tree /var/tmp/pamac
└── dbs
    ├── local -> /var/lib/pacman/local
    └── sync
        ├── core.db
        └── extra.db

4 directories, 2 files

So, now with a forced refresh:

$ pamac update --force-refresh --aur
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as: bernhard
Synchronisiere Paketdatenbanken...
Aktualisierung von core.db...                                                                                                                
Aktualisierung von extra.db...                                                                                                               
Datenbankdatei für core ist nicht vorhanden.                                                                                                 
Datenbankdatei für extra ist nicht vorhanden.
Aktualisierung von core.files...                                                                                                             
Aktualisierung von extra.files...                                                                                                            
Refreshing AUR...                                                                                                                            
Checking v86d dependencies...                                                                                                                
cp: cannot create regular file '/var/tmp/pamac/dbs/sync/pamac_aur.db': Permission denied
Error: Failed to prepare transaction: target not found: v86d

Edit build files : [e] 
Apply transaction ? [e/y/N] y

Transaction cancelled.
tree /var/tmp/pamac
├── aur-mithrial
│   └── v86d-0.1.10-12
│       └── desc
├── dbs
│   ├── local -> /var/lib/pacman/local
│   └── sync
│       ├── core.files
│       └── extra.files
└── pamac_aur.db

6 directories, 4 files

Here, you see that it removes the repo databases but downloads the files dbs as well as the aur database but it told above that it couldn’t copy it.

However, the pamac database is not the actual database:

$ file pamac_aur.db
pamac_aur.db: POSIX tar archive
$ tar tf pamac_aur.db

This is massively confusing.

Also, after one force refresh, the next update commands don’t want the password via the terminal as before but from the window as it always did a few months ago.

1 Like

I think the new “libpamac” file has some serious errors in it. Good luck trying to downgrade it.

Once again do not use pamac to do your actual updates. From experience I’ve seen pamac have issues updating or just installing something and dropping to terminal to do the updates or install there is no issue.

There’s no dancing around it: to break the distros updating tool (across all branches by the looks of it) is a monumental ■■■■■■■

Sadly this is my experience as well. I’ve never in good consience been able to recommend pamac and am not using it myself in all those years I daily drive Manjaro on my machines.
Just all be glad there is pacman and that one works.


Even with today’s update of “libpamac” “pamac-gtk3” and “pamac-cli” are still both broken.

Which update do you mean? libpamac is at 11.5.6-1 and it seems like it’s working.

yes I know but the AUR part seems to be still broken?

My mistake it now works!

Not anymore, I’ve just build a package.