Understanding what is open and what is proprietary Nvidia drivers?

Hi there, I know there are two kind of drivers for nvidia. However, when I try to change them with button on the following interface, it still the same.
My laptop has hybrid GPU card (Intel/Nvidia RTX2060)

My goal is to use Wayland, but for now, I’m trying to use Wayland rather X11 without success (second screen still off under wayland)

The first column lists the names of the drivers that are available for your system.

Any driver with a tick in the second (Open-source) column is open source. Those drivers that do not have a tick in the Open-source column are proprietary.

The third column (Installed) indicates if a driver is installed on your system or not.

So, a driver with a tick in the 2nd column but not in the 3rd column is an open source driver that is available for your system but not installed. A driver with no tick in the 2nd column and a tick in the 3rd column is a proprietary driver that is available for your system and installed on your system.

You can also check what drivers are available for your system by running the command:

mhwd -l

(or mhwd -l -d to list available drivers with more detailed info).

Currently installed drivers are listed with the command:

mhwd -li

(or mhwd -li -d for more detail)

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