Unable to update or install latest version of yt-dlp

I want to install latest version of yt-dlp but see no way to edit the build files ?? in the pamac gui or in the pamac cli
any help will be appreciated thank you

The .git package was updated today. 3/4/2023
in terminal:

pamac build yt-dlp-git


jrichard326 – thank you

==> Starting prepare()…
error: tag ‘nightly’ not found.
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in prepare().

I went here - AUR (en) - yt-dlp-git and scrolled down -some one already commented along with earlier comments - but these fixes are beyond my experience

It has too many dependencies/make dependencies for my taste, so I have not chosen to manually build. If you want this version, you can try and manually build in terminal via makepkg assuming you have all of the packages needed to manually build from the AUR. It looks like they have added a line to exclude nightly releases from the PKGBUILD:

Clone the PKGBUILD:

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yt-dlp-git

Change directory to cloned folder:


To make/compile the package, run in terminal:

makepkg -cs or makepkg -csi

You can achieve the same thing with Video Download Helper extension for Firefox.

Download the binary:

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