Unable to update because of electron29 dependency issue

I have a notification of 392 updates to install, but when I try to update I get the following error:
</>Could not satisfy dependency:
-removing electron29 breaks dependency ‘electron29’ required by video-chapter-injector-bin</>
What am I supposed to do please?

video-chapter-injector-bin is an AUR package. So you should remove it:

sudo pacman -R video-chapter-injector-bin

Then do your system update. After the update has finished, you can then reinstall video-chapter-injector-bin:

pamac build video-chapter-injector-bin

Thank you very much for your prompt help scotty65. I removed the package as you had instructed and tried to install the update again, but now I am getting the following error:
</> Warning: installing icu (76.1-1) breaks dependency ‘libicui18n.so=75-64’ required by electron29
Add electron29 to remove
Warning: installing icu (76.1-1) breaks dependency ‘libicuuc.so=75-64’ required by electron29
Add electron29 to remove
Warning: installing flac (1.5.0-1) breaks dependency ‘libFLAC.so=12-64’ required by electron29
Add electron29 to remove</>
Please guide…

When you want to format terminal output
you highlight it and the click this symbol </> in the top row of the edit window.
Typing this symbol in front and at the end of the line doesn’t do the trick.

… or put three backticks at the start and after the end …

The message says:

Add electron29 to remove

Why not do that?

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Okay. You also need to remove electron29, which is also an AUR package:

sudo pacman -R electron29

Then do your update, and reinstall video-chapter-injector-bin (if you need that program) as per my earlier instruction:

pamac build video-chapter-injector-bin

Edit: electron29 can take a long time to build. If video-chapter-injector-bin requires electron29 as a dependency, then you might find it a lot easier/faster to first install the electron29-bin package:

pamac build electron29-bin

You can see that electron29-bin has fewer dependencies than the electron29 package:

pamac info electron29-bin electron29

Name                  : electron29-bin
Version               : 29.4.6-2
Description           : Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies — prebuilt
URL                   : https://electronjs.org
Licenses              : LicenseRef-custom MIT
Repository            : AUR
Groups                : --
Depends On            : alsa-lib gtk3 nss
Optional Dependencies : kde-cli-tools [Installed]
                        pipewire [Installed]
                        qt6-base [Installed]
                        gtk4 [Installed]
                        xdg-utils [Installed]
Make Dependencies     : --
Check Dependencies    : --
Provides              : electron29=29.4.6
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : electron29
Maintainer            : yurikoles
First Submitted       : Wed 27 Dec 2023 20:42:11
Last Modified         : Wed 21 Aug 2024 19:31:29
Votes                 : 4
Out of Date           : --

Name                  : electron29
Version               : 1:29.4.6-2
Description           : Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies
URL                   : https://electronjs.org
Licenses              : BSD-3-Clause MIT
Repository            : AUR
Groups                : --
Depends On            : c-ares gcc-libs glibc gtk3 libgtk-3.so libevent libffi libffi.so libpulse libpulse.so nss zlib libz.so
                        fontconfig libfontconfig.so libjpeg-turbo libjpeg.so icu libicui18n.so libicuuc.so dav1d libdav1d.so flac
                        libFLAC.so libdrm libxml2 libxml2.so libwebp libwebpdemux.so libwebpmux.so libwebp.so minizip opus libopus.so
                        harfbuzz libharfbuzz.so libharfbuzz-subset.so libxslt libxslt.so libpng libpng16.so freetype2 libfreetype.so
Optional Dependencies : kde-cli-tools [Installed]
                        pipewire [Installed]
                        qt5-base [Installed]
                        gtk4 [Installed]
                        xdg-utils [Installed]
Make Dependencies     : clang git gn gperf harfbuzz-icu http-parser java-runtime-headless libnotify libva lld llvm ninja
                        nodejs-lts-iron npm patchutils pciutils pipewire python python-httplib2 python-pyparsing python-requests
                        python-setuptools python-six rust qt5-base wget yarn
Check Dependencies    : --
Provides              : --
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : --
Maintainer            : PerilousBooklet
First Submitted       : Sun 22 Dec 2024 00:06:26
Last Modified         : Sun 22 Dec 2024 00:06:26
Votes                 : 7
Out of Date           : --

Thank you. I carried out the steps you had suggested and everything is working fine now. Thanks again :+1:

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