Unable to start after latest update

Unable to start NetworkManager
Unable to start Simple Desktop Display Manager

libssl 3.3.0 not found

kinda stuck here since i have no network, no downgrade, and apparently my timeshift restore point is missing…
Any ideas ?

Obviously you have completely damaged your installation. Openssl is essential and is required by many programs. If Openssl is not installed, then it is very likely that other essential packages have also been removed.

It can be repaired, but this is not for beginners as it requires knowledge and experience. Beginners would just reinstall the system.

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Two possible resolutions are obvious:

  1. Provide enough information to actually help someone identify the issue(s).
  2. Perform a fresh installation.

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Yeah ived reinstall right after the post, too bad it was a 2yr daily used installation… i had some openssl issues before but none like this. Anyways, its reinstalled up and working. Kinda happy i removed alot of clog on the main disk anyway.


For any next time or anyone else reading this in search of a recovery option after such meltdown …
I have no idea how you ended here.

One possible avenue for rescuing is by booting a live ISO.
:warning: :dragon:

When your system is up - using the live ISO these steps may get you up and running

  1. mount the the root filesystem on /mnt
  2. backup your data from /mnt/home/<username>
  3. two choices
    • reinstall the system
    • try fixing the issue

Open a terminal - list your devices

lsblk -f

From that list deduce which is the root filesystem - this is usually something like this where the root - this is an excerpt - an example - your output will be different

├─nvme1n1p1 vfat   FAT32          A821-1485                             266,1M    11% /boot/efi
├─nvme1n1p2 ext4   1.0            07c78795-e8a4-4134-be2e-be5908c5b9f8  533,3G    37% /
└─nvme1n1p3 swap   1     swap     d740b4c2-4aec-4242-8405-e12060e4c445                [SWAP]

In this example the root partition is nvme1n1p2 and so we mount that partition on /mnt

Switch to root context


Then mount the partition - remember this is an example - replace with the partition according to your system

mount /dev/nvme1n1p2 /mnt

Now is the time where you either backup your data and reinstall

OR continue your learning path

List the files in the /mnt/*.txt - you should have two files where one of them is rootfs-pkgs.txt

ls /mnt/*.txt

With that in place proceed to install the packages listed in the rootfs-pkgs.txt file.

Before you do that you will ned to edit the file and remove the line for the spectre-meltdown-checker should it be present.

The list also contains versions so we need to strip the versions and use only the package names and feed those to pacman - while at the same time instruction pacman to use the /mnt as system root

pacman -Syu --needed --sysroot /mnt $(cat /mnt/rootfs-pkgs.txt | awk '{print $1}')

When this has completed - you may reboot your system

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