Unable to run neo4j after satisfying the requirement

[2021-12-04 11:07:50.199] [error] Protocol Manager error TypeError [ERR_INVALID_URL]: Invalid URL: --no-sandbox
    at onParseError (internal/url.js:259:9)
    at new URL (internal/url.js:335:5)
    at t.default (/tmp/.mount_neo4j-eozRtX/resources/app.asar/dist/main.prod.js:1:201939)
    at q (/tmp/.mount_neo4j-eozRtX/resources/app.asar/dist/main.prod.js:1:229897)
    at App.<anonymous> (/tmp/.mount_neo4j-eozRtX/resources/app.asar/dist/main.prod.js:1:232190)

This is the ouput log’s error line

Looks to me like some sort of chromium engine thing is trying to make use of the naughty --no-sandbox flag.

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There are few Neo4j packages in the AUR. I’m assuming neo4j-desktop? Have you tried the AppImage from their website?

I suppose one could extract the AppImage, unpack the app.asar, edit out the --no-sandbox flag from whichever .js file and repack the app.asar if one was so inclined.

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Thanks for replying. Yes, this is the result from the AUR neo4j-desktop, and actually my request is just to install neo4j dbms, so I previously tried the combination of jdk11 and neo4j , however, it show this

Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.server.startup.Neo4jCommand
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.neo4j.server.startup.Neo4jCommand

If you can share a successful way of using neo4j, it would be very nice.

I just downloaded the AppImage and it runs fine.

The AUR package directly installs the AppImage to the system, that should not be done. Instead, it should be extracted and files installed in proper locations.

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Yes, this is also applicable on my machine, thanks a lot. BTW, if there is anyone who see this post and want a more simple and official solution, Docker style is your answer :hugs:

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