Unable to connect to Wifi printer

Printer is on 198.168. and the rest :slight_smile:
Now I remember what it is :slight_smile: I had last Windows bootcamp in 2011 :smiley:

And of course as I said - I can ping the IP from any other machine. The same IP is responsive on newest macOS, Win10 and ChromeOS.
Not on my Manjaro :frowning:

start with

ip a


ip route

then (install the package traceroute beforehand)

traceroute <printerip>


inxi -i
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I remember you from the old forum :slight_smile:
I will traceroute tomorrow :smiley:

btw - I tried at home to traceroute google

[luke@luke-Manjaro ~]$ traceroute
bash: traceroute: command not found
[luke@luke-Manjaro ~]$ traceroute google.no
bash: traceroute: command not found
[luke@luke-Manjaro ~]$ ping google.no
PING google.no ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from arn09s19-in-f3.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=94.1 ms
64 bytes from arn09s19-in-f3.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=116 ms
64 bytes from arn09s19-in-f3.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=57 time=139 ms
64 bytes from arn09s19-in-f3.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=57 time=161 ms
--- google.no ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3004ms

[luke@luke-Manjaro ~]$ tranceroute
bash: tranceroute: command not found
[luke@luke-Manjaro ~]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=79.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=57 time=102 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=57 time=125 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=57 time=45.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=57 time=23.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=57 time=90.8 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=57 time=118 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=57 time=32.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=57 time=55.2 ms
--- ping statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 9 received, 0% packet loss, time 8012ms

did you forget to install the traceroute package

Now I have installed traceroute :slight_smile: I see as well I have made a typo.

[luke@luke-Manjaro ~]$ tranceroute
bash: tranceroute: command not found

All good.
Will check printer tomorrow :smiley:

So… I assumed that since I can print from all other devices I can ping the address.
I can’t.
I have send the printing task from my work mac while pinging.
I could print without a problem.
Ping from mac while it was printing ended up the same way as on my Manjaro. 20 pings sent from macOS, 0 came back. The IP address is not reachable.
And I do not understand how. I can print, I can’t ping.

From Manjaro - I am connected to the same AP, router address is the same, network the same.
No ping and still can’t print.
The task stuck and I cancelled it after waiting for 20 min.
What is wrong?

EDIT: 30 hops - none ended up reaching anything. All 30:
1 * * *
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I am using the IP visible on the printer. I used it to connect my Mac and Windows.
So I can reach this address while installing the printer on a Mac and Windows.
I can’t ping it from Mac and Manjaro.
And I can’t print from Manjaro.

you have to understand that different ports are used in the network. A device is not either accessible or not accessible, but individual ports can be blocked or enabled for individual directions with a firewall.

Your admin explicitly blocked ping (trying to hide the printer)
He expressly allowed the ports required for printing. (some do that)

But there are different print services that use different ports for printing. (That’s outside of my comfort zone. I can’t help in detail there)

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Try opening the printers web interface


I am assuming you have the necessary packages installed for printing?

Open the cups interface at localost:631 and change the printer port to ipp://printerip

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Ok. Thanks :slight_smile:
What now?
How can I enable wifi printing on Manjaro?
Should I do something with ports?
Network admin is from outside the company and we contact him when we have network outage only.
I can only do something wit my machine.
Do not know what :confused:

I have.
Printer is installed (I can change between USB and WIFI).


I will try tomorrow at work. I am here while outside workspace.
I have case backlog since Feb because of covid :confused: and little time to try private stuff.

I am ashamed to admit, but I did the same what I ask my users not to do:

  • half ass testing
  • assumptions

I am able to ping. I took the address from the printer and ping it as it was. With “0” in front of the last sets of bits.
I was sure that I could ping them before, but now I couldn’t.
Months ago I actually removed the zeros and that is why I could ping.

So now - I can ping from all devices (Manjaro included) and I can print as well.
I have narrowed the problem - all texts come out of the printer with exceptions of table content.
I can print whatever I can, just not what is in a table.
Test print came out strange, my table with most often used terminal commands came out empty.
My document with one table was printed fine - just the table was empty.
Driver issue?

You need to find the correct ppd file

Leading zero would indicate octal representation - but apparently your printer messed it up when showing the ip.


Printers are the bane of my existence.
Mostly BOCAs and STAR printers. And few plastic card units our customers are using.
So… that is why I feel like and ass now :slight_smile:

AUR? Or on Brother website?
I have installed all drivers from terminal

Many printer vendors only ships drivers in rpm or deb format.

Those requires repacking to work on Manjaro - perhaps you will have success with this AUR packages - note the comment on the dependency of lib32-libcups - you need multilib enabled in pacman.conf to install this.

Inputting the static IP on wireless printers implements an unusual pattern - my personal thinking is they want to ensure they can interpret the input to a valid IP - so they use 4x3 digits - using leading zeroes if the block is less than 3 digits.

When pinging such address one need to remembe that the leading zeroes must be omitted as they are not valid - they are only placeholders.

example - input on the printer display 192.168.00x.00y is translated to 192.168.x.y

I have a cheap HP scan/print device which uses the pattern - for all IPv4 settings.

I am using an old HL2240D and none of official drivers work with this so I use a custom ppd.

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That was a really bad decision. Leading spaces would have been ok. (But it is best not to do any extraordinary formatting in such case)

If this happens, go to Settings > Devices > Printers & Scanners, select your printer, and remove it. Then click Add a Printer or Scanner to re-add it to the device list. Incredibly (and frustratingly), this often gets things up and running again.